I had a professional setup, but

I need to return all my basses and guitars.
They’re lacking this normal buzz. :thinking:


I’ve met this guy. He may have had a different face but he’s still the same jack ass.

John, this is so much easier said than done.

The first one I went to had his own ideas about what he thought the setup should be and was disinterested in any communication about anything. I saw him twice and he was just as off putting both times.

The second was willing to talk about anything other than the setup. When I had any question he would just quote the list of things they did for a setup and then go back to talking about something else and wouldn’t answer any of my questions. But I learned a lot about his buddy that flew helicopters in Vietnam.

All this wierdness wouldn’t have been an issue if either of them had done a good job.


@moore.jez Just out of curiosity. What gage of strings are you using? Above 105? Would you feel confortable with thinner strings?
Less tension could relieve the bending on the neck a bit but then a new adjustment would be necessary.


Oh agree 1000%, I spent $1,000s before finding the right sax tech and have spent more undoing some of that work.


Ernie ball super slinky, I can’t tell you the gauge off hand but I’m sure they have many fans.
Incidentally the bass seems to be behaving itself. I’ve straightened the neck and lowered the action following a YouTube tutorial.
Even if my paid for setup didn’t work out perfectly, he fixed a few issues with the instrument that I wouldn’t have wanted to get into myself.
I have the tools and don’t mind tinkering :slight_smile:
Meantime I’m making great progress through these lessons and having a great time doing it. Also really happy with the community engagement here!


I love Slinky’s, but it seems like many people on this forum do not care for them. I know a few may use them, or at least like them, but many prefer something different.
I agree with @franx , get the lightest gage possible, the Super or Ultra slinky for bass, IDK which name is on the package, but they make one that is a .095 E string I beleive.

I can get an element of this, based on how hard I am plucking and plucking direction. I have been able to minimize it quite a bit, with just constant adjustments until it is right.
Of course, my set up technique is to go as absolutely low as I can get it, and then adjust UP, 1/4 turn at a time until it goes away. Usually after about a week, with 3-5 adjustments, everything settles and I am good for a while, periodic adjustments as needed over then ext 6 months to a year, before I change strings, if needed, based on how much I am playing that bass.


I don’t think they are bad, they are decent bright rounds. But I like D’Addarios a whole lot more, and the price difference is small.


This (and you could add several other brands that many would prefer over the Slinkys, even though there is nothing really wrong with the Slinkys). The differences and why some people prefer other brands can be very subtle.


I quite like the MJC Ironworks rounds, and still have the LaBella RX nickel and SS to try when time to change a set on my rounds basses.

I really do want to try a set of those.
Slinkies are just so easy to get and priced very good.

I did just try the XL’s (diadrio) and I can tell right away, I like Slinky’s better.

I have not tried La’bellas or many other brands, or any players signature strings yet, but, the XL’s are not going to win me off Slinky’s…
Played some other Dunlops that are ok as well.
Not that either is bad, but they do feel a little different, and I am going by feel, cuz I couldnt really tell the difference in sound, unless played side by side on the same model bass, so it’s more feel then anything else.

For feel, the material and string gauge would make a difference that could matter more to me.
Like I usually go with .105 E string, and I would like to try .100 and even lower, just to see if they feel better.

Also, I am pretty sure my LTD B-4E has GHS Boomers on it, and I DO like those really well. At least as much as my go to Slikkys.

I think at some point you just like what you are used to, even more so if you are a pro.
OR, if a pro is approached for an endorsement deal, this could change the paradigm.