Ibanez 2025 Lineup

Ibanez released their new lineups… they have put some awesome looking basses in the list.

My mouth is watering but I have to resist GAS.

Link here: https://ibanez.au/2025

Risqué colours and schemes… but very interesting. I would be tempted to buy one, had I not gotten one 3 weeks ago!

Some examples:


I saw the pictures, and nothing seems to be standing out to me. All pretty finishes, but looks like updates to existing models at a glance

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I’ve always liked the look and feel of Ibanez basses. I had an SRMS800 for a while most recently, and it was just… amazing. But for the music I play - standard classic rock kinda stuff - the multiscale frets and the active humbucker sound wasn’t the best match. So, I traded it in for something that was more “in genre”.

Eventually I’m going to get another one. I just couldn’t afford having the Ibanez and the basses I’d actually play. :slight_smile:


I like the new line up, especially the red one I posted but I won’t buy one (in the near future :sweat_smile:) but I’ve ordered already some months ago the white iceman. Ithink I will get it in February :star_struck::drooling_face:

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Damn I nearly had a heart attack at the price for an SR300…
Then I realized that’s Australia mate LOL.

It is a beautiful color though, and I like the gold.

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I like the idea of the Fishman Fluence pickups in the EHBs. The Nordstrand Big Splits sounded great, but I’m really curious about these. Love the natural finish, too.

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