Introduce Yourself! (2018-2022)

Hi There!
I’m new here, so let’s start introducing myself. I’m Denise 32 years and living in the Netherlands.
I played Cello in my childhood, unfortunatley I had to quit when I was 12 years old because the music lessons and rent for a Cello became to expensive for my parents (I’m from a big family). I always thought I will pick up the Cello again, but the instrument it self is so expensive to buy that I decide to start playing Bass. I can borrow a Bass from a friend, I will pick it up this evening, and sometime I will buy one myself when I like it :slight_smile:
Doing some research now everything I need and already bought a music lesson book.
I’m very excited to start this, always wanted to do something again with music and think it’s good to have a hobby. Music styles I like: everything between Rock and Metal. But I can appreciate a lot of music styles, so let’s do this!


Hey Josh. Finished half the course. Love it! Would like to talk more about bass, but have a quick question…can you recommend an instructor (with similar teaching style as yourself) for drums (kit). I bought my g’son an electric drum kit for Xmas & now want to get him lessons. Thx


Josh has n excellent instructional style!


As far as intro…70 years old. Played bass in high school and college. Got married, had kids, paid my taxes and now 60+ years later I’m back! Picked up the 6 string about 3 years ago. Just had to go back to my roots. It’s been far out, man!


BTW… that’s a pick of me on Red Rocks stage! My absolutely favorite live music venue!!


@Denise1 Welcome to the BassBuzz forum.

You’ve come to the right place. Lots of us have played before and have come back to the fold.

@andres.darcy Welcome to BassBuzz.

Here is an old thread about that topic…
Anything Similar to B2B for drums? - Lounge - BassBuzz Forum


Welcome @jclay


Welcome @mahtab


Welcome @Denise1


Welcome @andres.darcy


Welcome aboard @Denise1 ,
Enjoy the ride,
Cheers Brian


Welcome aboard @andres.darcy ,
Enjoy the ride,
Cheers Brian


Welcome to all…this is the best forum on the internet. So much knowledge, no judgements and lots of friendliness. You will love hanging out here.


Welcome @Denise1 & @andres.darcy !


Hey andres.darcy. welcome!!!
THis is truly a great group. :slight_smile:


I… didn’t actually introduce myself while giving Josh the DL on places to eat vegan XD

I actually started playing bass as a teenager, and I was even in a garage band. I got to play in the same bar that PanterA’s first gig was at, too! I was completely self-taught and used a pick. I thought I could play with my fingers XD I felt I was pretty good, could keep up with the guitar riffs, knew absolutely nothing about tuning and had pretty floppy strings eventually and used a med to thin pick to compensate lol. The idea being it would snap past the strings so I could continue alternate picking, and it actually did work!

I had a guitar, too, and made a few half-assed attempts to learn it. Bought some Metal Method DVDs but didn’t stick with it, and over the years I jammed with a friend with a guitar, but again, as a fairly mediocre musician. I actually left a really nice 5-string bass, a mid-range 6-string guitar, and a great 2x12 at his house a decade ago. Which leads me to…

Turns out I was very depressed and eventually isolated myself from humans for the most part. I still collected gear and got into synthesizers eventually, which I kinda stuck with but would only go through spurts of music-making and not. I actually took private lessons several years ago, and tbh while the teacher was a good player, I don’t know that I think he was a great teacher, or at least not for me, anyway. And again my basses slumbered…

The depression has finally been addressed, however, and I am at a much better place as a human being than I used to be. In December, I looked at my rack of instruments and decided it was time. I picked up my Schecter and felt peaceful while I noodled around with a few things I remembered, etc. So I did some reading and almost got into Scott’s Bass Lessons before I heard about Bass Buzz, and did some more reading, and while I still think Scott is great and probably does well, I made my choice here and really like @JoshFossgreen as an instructor. He’s pretty serene, and sometimes a little goofy, but seems very genuine.

I’m progressing pretty quickly, I think partially due to previous experience, and as a former tuba player in school (I was kinda born to the low end, I guess lol…), the bass cleff is coming back to me pretty quickly. I even remembered it was nicknamed the F cleff and Josh even mentioned that :smiley: But obviously a lot of the progression is due to the good pace of these lessions and the ethos they are built on; they really build on one another and just keep going, and going, and going. I was pretty convinced I couldn’t play with my fingers at all with the private instructor (he also started me using three fingers… imo that’s not a great place to start after starting B2B, even if Alex Webster does it, too lol…)

Anyway, blah blah blah hi. I’m Emily and I play bass (again).


Hi Emily @Koldunya - welcome to one of the weirdest places on the internet!
Weird because…it’s nice :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I turn my back for a few days and we have a lot of new people,
Welcome to all new people
Enjoy the journey


Glad you are here @Denise1
did you sign up for the B2B course here?
If you did you may not need that book!


Glad you are here @andres.darcy