Introduce Yourself! (2018-2022)

In that case, you’re fine with a P-bass.

I did not intend that to rhyme. Maybe it has hit potential. Let’s put a melody under it to see how it works.


Welcome Dave @cratond! It’s possible B2B isn’t right for you if you’re too advanced. If you go to this page and scroll down to the box that says “Click for Lessons Overview”, you can get a bird’s-eye of the curriculum and see if it seems useful or not.

You can also use this as a yardstick - if you can do 17/17 things on this list, B2B is probably too basic for you:

EDIT: seeing you already got some replies in this direction, but here it is anyway!

Welcome @creepymcpeepers, being open to learning from people is a great attitude!

Welcome @8-BitRach , glad drunk-you bought something good. :slight_smile:

Welcome Igor @Kekec, that’s cool you’re into synth stuff! I’ve learned a bit about synthesis in the last couple years but still barely know anything. I sure have a lot of pedals though. :stuck_out_tongue:


Come to think of it: it isn’t mine either.
My main priority is music. It just so happens that my natural role in making music fits best in the rhythm & groove realm. I played guitar and didn’t like it; I wanted to play drums but my parents would not let me (understandably, since we lived in an apartment, and electronic drums weren’t invented for a couple decades yet), so bass it was.

Do you do anything with MIDI?
I dabble with a MIDI keyboard, but mainly to study music theory, and to create things I can put a bass line on.


That’s brilliant thanks. There are a couple of shops local, they’re on Covid-cation at the moment unfortunately though!


Covid-cation ! :joy::joy::joy:


Come to think of it: it isn’t mine either.
My main priority is music. It just so happens that my natural role in making music fits best in the rhythm & groove realm. I played guitar and didn’t like it; I wanted to play drums but my parents would not let me (understandably, since we lived in an apartment, and electronic drums weren’t invented for a couple decades yet), so bass it was.

Do you do anything with MIDI?
I dabble with a MIDI keyboard, but mainly to study music theory, and to create things I can put a bass line on.

You said it well my friend, I can also say that music is my n1 priority.
I have MIDI keyboard, but to be honest, i rarely use it. My keyboard and small synths can also work as MIDi controllers when needed so it is a win win to use them. :slight_smile:
On the other side, I am more into hardware keyboard/synths rather than software (DAW). DAW is cool for putting everything together and optimising your sounds, but regarding rel playing , I am stilll pretty much in the learning process.
I will probably go more into DAWs when I become relatively solid on hardware playing.

Regarding bass, I realised that my pinky is retarded :smiley: It has some strength due to the keyboard playing, but I feel like it is glued to the next finger haha


I can only recommend to start recording relatively early in the learning process. It has multiple advantages to counter-act the bass teacher not being there with you. You can not just tell yourself it sounded alright: you’ll listen back to it and hear if it did.
Also you will have a reference point to see your own progress which is always uplifting!

And a little added benefit is that when you actually want to record something to show others you don’t spend 2h first trying to figure out the setup and tone you want.

Don’t insult your poor pinky - it’s doing its best. It’s just not used to that kind of exercise/strain yet :wink: I recommend the bassbuzz 5 level of finger exercises to get your fingers under control. Helped me so far - it’s a process though. I’m very far from good/perfect.


That won’t last long. You’ll be amazed how quickly it will gain strength and dexterity.


Hey, welcome to bassbuzz! And also hello from the greater Manchester area too! :slight_smile: :smiley:


Hello All!

My name is Kyle and I am a father of 4 from Defiance, OH. Just a normal guy. Work all day to provide for my wife and kids. We home school, so we are blessed my job provides that my wife is able to stay home and teach them. I love the game of baseball. I have played starting at 5 years old and played all the way through college.

Getting into bass was kind of out of the blue. The church we attend is losing two bass players due to one moving and one going to college. I thought I could learn and help with the praise and worship team. So far, I am on the last lesson in Module of B2B. Billie Jean is kicking my tail right now. Everything else has come so easy thus far. I have this mentality that I cannot allow myself to move on to the next module until I am able to do Billie Jean on the fast workout.

I love this course. It is taught very well. I am looking forward to building my skills and learning to really rock the bass.


Welcome @kmock30

I know this mentality well and it does not fit the course. I am not trying to be harsh but trying to convince you. If you manage the slow workout move on and come back to it later. I know Josh already told you that in the video but maybe the perspective of a fellow B2B student helps…

As you can see in the linked post - I am still not really nailing the fast workout but it’s good to have finished the course and have all this knowledge and know the different things I can and want to work on.


Welcome @kmock30!
As @juli0r said, you should not let Billie Jean slow your progress. The most important thing that bass line teaches is humility :wink:


Agreed. Sometimes you get so bogged down on one thing, it just doesn’t sink in. Moving on and coming back to it is alike to taking a break from it and you may well find yourself surprised when you get back to it


@kmock30 Hi Kyle good to have you aboard. A great incentive to learn bass having a gig lined up . @juli0r is speaking wise words.
Another angle is to think of it as a progess guide. I did BJ on slow after nine reruns. And I ran to module 5 as fast as I could. Since then though BJ is one of my finger exercises.
Get the slow under your belt and move on, she wont go away.


Welcome @kmock30! Don’t let Billie Jean get to you. Move on if you can master the slow workout. I went back after the course and kicked butt!


Welcome to the BJ Club @kmock30

Enjoy the course


And here is another vote for not gritting your teeth on the Wretched Hench that is Billie Jean before you move on. Return to it at a later stage in the course, and you’ll find you nail it quickly.

Not sure why half the forum population seems to be obsessed with blowj… wait, BJ’s, though.


You’re right @peterhuppertz… things like BJ can always go unfinished until the right moment, and then come back for the climax. I was amazed at how well I did with my BJ when I came back to finish it after I had taken care of all the other business.


Yes, I’m pretty sure you are doing this on purpose.


:rofl: :smile_cat: <----- naughty cat