Introduce Yourself! (2018-2022)

Welcome @MichaelB


Hi I am Rich from the UK , been thinking for a long time about playing the bass but I was told I was rubbish at music when I was at school so thought no chance of being a bass player but eventually during the covid19 lockdown I decided to buy one anyway and give it a try… I have been learning with mixed success from youtube but I wanted to get some theory so signed up the course , really like it so far !


Welcome to the community Rich @zipzop!


Welcome @ziptop


Welcome aboard @zipzop,
Enjoy the ride.
Cheers Brian



I have been playing bass for 8 years. I took a few lessons and have self-taught the rest. I play in a pretty big contemporary church band and in a rock cover band. I can hold my own, but I am admittedly the the least musically talented of both groups. I have to work twice as hard as the other members to be able to do my part. I came to Bassbuzz to help me identify some gaps in my learning and address some bad habits.

Like Josh, I study martial arts. I am a Krav Maga instructor and hope to never have to use it in real life. But unlike Josh, I am not a vegan. LOL.

I hope to find something in Bassbuzz that helps me break through the current stalemate I find myself in with regard to improving my bass abilities. I’ll let you know.

Brandon P.


Welcome aboard @phillipsbw19,
Enjoy the ride.
Cheers Brian


Welcome @phillipsbw19


Welcome to the community Brandon @phillipsbw19.


Welcome @zipzop and @phillipsbw19


Welcome to the group @zipzop and @phillipsbw19


Welcome to the forum @Bob_T, thanks for the kind words!

Welcome @waynelitwak, @MichaelB, @zipzop and @phillipsbw19, great to have you all here!


Hey everyone. I‘m 48 and really pleased to see how many of us are a similar age! I‘ve been doing the course for just over a week but I have consistently managed to play a little each day and am loving the course. I‘m also starting to appreciate the bass a lot more. I had lessons on an electronic organ for a year as a kid but gave up because I never practised. I played clarinet for a year too but really wanted to learn the sax instead but the school had no saxophones so I quit. My brother had a guitar and, as I was listening to a lot of metal and guitar-based music, I picked up his guitar and tried to teach myself from books. Got a musical knowledge of sorts with v basic theory. Then I got myself a Line 6 interface that came with Ableton and tried to write some music. In the process I bought a bass which has stayed under the bed for over 10 years. I’ve always admired Steve Harris, Flea and Lemmy but never particularly wanted to play the bass. But since lockdown I have wanted to learn a new skill and so I took out the bass and looked for a course. So hear I am. I love all kinds of music and love to watch people play music live. I‘d love to have the confidence to play in a band myself or at least jam with others. By the time we are allowed to mix normally again, hopefully I’ll be in a position to put myself forward. I’m based in London (UK) and In the day Job I sell products into European markets, as I speak French and German. But music is my real passion. Look forward to learning more about you all and getting into some new music.


Welcome to the group @Bassbiz glad your here! I is an amazing fun, supportive and insightful bunch here!


Welcome to the community @Bassbiz!


Welcome @Bassbiz


Welcome @Bassbiz
What’s not to like about Lemmy lol :spades:


Welcome aboard @Bassbiz,
You have come to the right place, enjoy the ride👍
Cheers Brian :sunglasses:


Hello, I’m over 61 years of age and back In 1980 I bought a 1979 Ibanez Artist bass with all intentions of learning to play. I was in the Air Force in New Mexico, but 1981 got out. I left my bass along with my other possessions to move back home and then send for them. During that time my bass disappeared and I didn’t get another bass or take lessons. A few years ago I bought another bass, which my eldest daughter decided she wanted to play it. I gave it to her and then I had none. lol. A few weeks ago I bought my Squire P-bass and now am learning what I had been planning all along. My influences is Jack Bruce (Cream), Randy Bachman (BTO) and Donald Duck Dunn (BOC) among others.


Well, after another course in uploading stuff (provided by my son, owner of the home studio in the picture background) - here is my bass. I reckon bridge is quite unusual- what say You?