Introduce Yourself! (2018-2022)

Welcome @Micki_Moss


welcome, , I am hearing what you are saying about sounding like you are playing with a flipper I was there once too. It gets better.

and Welcome to @Micki_Moss as well


Welcome to the community @Micki_Moss!


Welcome aboard @Micki_Moss,
Sounds like you have already dived into the course, it’s a bit like that addictive :+1:
Enjoy the ride ,
Cheers Brian


Thank you all for the welcoming!


Welcome, @BassPlayinSeal - here is your first cover assignment… obviously :wink: :


Very nice! :laughing:


Thanks! :slight_smile: I’m having a blast!


Thank you! :slight_smile:


Thank you! Glad to be here! :slight_smile:


Thank you very much! :slight_smile:


Great song Joerg @joergkutter,
:+1: Cheers Brian


Hey all,

Steve here checking in from Chilliwack BC, on the west coast of Canada. Got started with B2B a couple weeks ago on the same day I bought my bass. Worked my way through to Module 5 and feeling great about my progress so far (minus Billie Jean of course).

I used to play drums in a doom metal band with some friends in our college days. After that petered out I didn’t really do anything musical for years, although I am a massive music fan and love (or used to before the pandemic, anyway…) going to shows. I picked up a guitar in the fall as a way to try to kick start myself in to a new hobby during these lockdown times. Could never manage to get my head around it and didn’t really get anywhere with the online lessons I was trying. Had the idea to switch it out for a bass, as I’ve always been a huge fan of guys like Geddy Lee, John Paul Jones, Geezer Butler, Steve Harris, Cliff Burton, the list goes on.

Really feels like bass is clicking for me, thanks in no small part to Josh’s great teaching style and finally finding an instrument in my hand that I don’t feel intimidated by!

Have played at least a little bit every day since getting it, and doing at least one lesson per day from the course. Loving it!

So nice to have this forum here too. Reminds me of the “good old days” of the internet before social media. :slight_smile:


Welcome @stash. that’s a lovely bass!


Welcome aboard @stash,
Enjoy the ride,
Cheers Brian


I live on the Olympic Penninsula, across the strait from you. Small world. Welcome on your journey to being a badass


Welcome one and all. Been a bit slack keeping up so sorry for the very general welcome


It’s understandable given your circumstances @Mac


Welcome to the community @stash!


Everybody keep me away from that guys @stash. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

With a nickname like that I can’t imagine that would offend, but if it did, I apologize, it’s just that I am a pathological smarts, so it’s kind of hard for me to miss an opportunity like that.
It is a true statement as well. As a recovering addict, you would have said that when I was using, because your Stash unless kept away from me, won’t be your stash anymore. it won’t be anybody’s stash anymore as fast as I would have drank, smoked, snorted of injected, it would have become “What Stash” as in, hey man, where is my stash.
“Er?? What Stash”,
“Awe, come on man, it was right here, did anybody come by this way”
“no man, I was sitting here the whole time”
“well, did you see my stash”
“Yeah, something happened to it man”
“Something happened to it, what happened to my stash?”
“Um, I did it man, you shouldn’t have Left it out in the party”
“But its my house”
“There is alot of strangers walking around”
“But you did it, and I know you”
Yeah, and what did I tell you about leaving your stash out around me

But Welcome to Bass Buzz @stash. That is a sick nick name. and not just cuz I can run comedy sketches with it, it really is a cool one.

Can you tell the story behind the name? I bet it’s a good one.

See me, if I was running with a bunch of fools, and we had that one nerdy guy, that we kept to make us look a little legit, the one that had a car, and insurance, and didn’t party too hard and could drive us around.
Well, we would have called him STASH.
Cuz anytime the cops come around, and they say, who’s holding, you say, i don’t know man, why don’t you ask my man stash, he is the driver, thats his own car man, ask him, he has money man, I don’t have any cash man.
Then when they check him, he has no drugs, they let you go.
You know, like when Bender hid his dope in Johnson’s underpants sir (Breakfast Club) and Principal didn’t believe him, so they all blazed up
IDK, ight work in a Cheech and Chong, or Robert Townshend, or Wayan’s brothers movie, maybe even a Faharely brothers movie, or Mel brooks? Naked Gun? Airplane? I am grabbing at straws now.

I don’t know what came over me, I think that new med they gaveme is making me a little loopy in the head.