Hello everyone! Just recently signed up for the course, and have only been playing bass for a few months! Really digging it so far - I’ve always been able to teach myself enough guitar to play a song, but never had motivation to stick with it. Being a drummer from way back, I feel like the rythm of the Bass really clicks with me. Looking forward to being a badass in a couple of months
@Alterationx10 Welcome to BassBuzz! You’re in good company. There are a few former drummers here.
Welcome @Alterationx10. An ex-drummer who plays the bass must be a double bonus on the band market.
You’d think so… new drummer hates our guts
Hey everyone, just signed up to Badass!
Another drummer here, 20+ years.
Always wanted to learn,but never had the time.
NOW it’s time!
Welcome aboard, @ryder . . .
Glad you have the time now, and good luck with the course!
Welcome @Alterationx10 and @ryder. Don’t be afraid to ask any question here. I can truly say this is the most open-minded and least toxic forum I have ever been a part of!
We’re on a roll this week. Get it? A roll! Like a drum roll. Oh well, welcome to the friendliest bass forums around, @ryder.
For staters, want to say thanks to you Josh, for your dedication to the cause . Really appreciate the way you share your musical knowledge and the manner in which you teach. Here’s why; I’m 58 yrs old (don’t learn as fast as 25-30 yrs ago), I have only 3 fingers for my fret hand (had part of index sewed back on) and small hands with short fingers… so your teaching technic is just perfect for me. Initially picked up a Squier Affinity starter kit ( full scale) was somewhat difficult for me, had spare time one day stopped in a shop and found a great Yamaha short scale, smaller neck and feels great and most of all… having fun. The Squier looks great on the wall
Thanks again, you’re a great Dude
Finger Luc
Welcome to the forum and the course @Alterationx10 and @ryder! and @Luc-TheFINGER!!! So many new folks, I love it!
Welcome Luc. Well you certainly add a different perspective to the learning community, and obviously you have to adapt your technique so I’m sure there are plenty of people who are keen to hear how you are getting on. Did you have any playing experience before you had your accident?
I don’t know if you’ve come across @JoshFossgreen mentioning playing bass right handed despite him being naturally left handed, partly to have access to a bigger variety of basses. It speaks volumes about his ability both as musician and as teacher that he can be so effective at both despite playing with his ‘wrong hand’. I wonder if you’d thought about trying to play left handed - plucking is a set of skills, of course, but the demands on your fingers are very different and using the weaker fingers for plucking instead of fretting might be a positive change. Sorry, I just realised that I’ve assumed you’re right handed.
Hi All,
When I was a young bloke, I used to play a bit of bass in a garage band but never really mastered the instrument. Now in my 50s, my new years resolution was to master the bass, after looking round on the internet, I decided BassBuzz looked the perfect way to go. I’m really enjoying the lessons.
Sometimes you just have to do it!
@Browndog WELCOME! Great group of bassist here (including our illustrious teacher Josh) and a very warm and inviting community!
Also a lot of us are “older” student bassists so you are not alone (49 here).
@Luc-TheFINGER Welcome… I started with a short scale Ibanez…and then bought a full scale Yamaha TRBX-504. I still find myself picking up my Ibanez and really enjoying the short scale! They are definitely fun!
Welcome! Which Yamaha short scale did you pick up? I was looking at some of the Motion Basses like the MB-40 a few months back and they were super cute but those are medium scale. Felt very fast, fun, and familiar.
faamecanic, thanks for the welcome, back in the day I had a japanese J Bass copy, but to get back into it I have bought one of these
But back in the day I always wanted a rickenbacker, while I can’t afford a real one, I’ve ordered a through neck chickenbacker that looks like this.
I hope nobody takes offence.
Nice! Love the Ibby.
What did you used to own? There’s a lot of really, really nice Japanese boutique Fender copies. Like, much better than any normal production bass Fender makes, no upper price limit kinds of things.
Hi Howard,
It was a Hayakawa, it was really well made, had a great sound and was one of the heaviest guitars I’ve ever picked up. Man, it was heavy.
Welcome @Browndog, and nice looking bass. You’re another one from the same club as myself. I only learned about 3 songs (I can only remember one of them) and it didn’t last long, but I’ve been trying to scratch that itch for the last 35+ years, on & off. This course was the tipping point after watching loads of youtube vids and even a couple of face-to-face lessons. Nothing worked as well for me as the course.
These forums are a huge bonus: I haven’t found another bass community that is as friendly and on-subject.