Awesome! You’re farther along with the Pixies than I am then
Hello my name is Jonathan and I’m 14 years old.
I had my 14 birthday last week and from the money I got I bought my very first bass
Welcome aboard, @Jonathan4456 . . .
What kind of bass did you get?
A fender sqwire jazz bass
It may seem kinda dumb but I can’t find the bass lessons on the website
At the very top there is a “LESSONS” drop down menu. Under that go into the “My Lessons” if you have bought the course or the “Free Lessons” for a few free ones if you haven’t bought the course.
…and you buy the course here:
Good choice to get started, @Jonathan4456 . . .
Several of us here have the same bass . . . not bad quality for the price!
Good luck with it, and we’ll see you around the Forums
All best, Joe
OK thank you
Welcome to the forum @Justine.Cadwell! I grew up listening to parents’ band practices too (except it was the garage, not the basement, but I think it’s fair to say that’s an irrelevant detail ). Glad you found that short scale basses work better for you! Getting your Deal on by October sounds like a super reasonable goal, they’re great bass lines but not too difficult.
Welcome @Jonathan4456! Congrats on your bass and happy birthday.
@Jonathan4456 Welcome to BassBuzz! and Happy Birthday!
Not dumb at all. I had trouble finding how to pay for the course also. If you you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask. BassBuzz is one of the friendliest places on the Internet.
Hi All!
My name is Jay and I am 46 years old. I am a drummer/percussionist and I have been playing the drums for about 28 years. For the past few years I’ve been itching to try a stringed instrument so, with the help of some Xmas gift cards, finally got around to purchasing a bass (Ibanez TMB30 short-scale bass).
I am a COMPLETE beginner when it comes to bass (or any stringed instrument for that matter). I found some free lessons by BassBuzz on YouTube, which lead me to this forum. Between full-time work, two little kiddos in daycare, my spare time and money are tight! So, for now, I’ll be working on the free lessons on YouTube and hopefully learning from you all as well as I start my bass journey.
Please feel free to send me any tips or “things you would have done differently if you were starting to learn bass all over again.” I’ll take all the help I can get!
Welcome to the forums, Jay. With a good stint on the skins you are starting your bass guitar journey with a foundation in the musical side of things, and I’m sure that’ll set you in good stead. I’m guessing you also have a few bassists to call on for extra advice.
Regarding the cost of the course (or any tuition), I would say that when you can afford it you should go down that route. I’m notoriously tight with money and dither & delay spending no matter what it is (with the exception of another bass), but I found the course moved me along faster than I expected and more than my numerous other attempts to learn had over the decades. I’m a big fan.
You will find plenty of advice and support in here and the atmosphere is one of friendly banter. This isn’t one of those chat rooms that gets flooded with aggressive & dismissive opinionating.
I just want to admire your username. That is all.
NICE! Fender Squire is a GREAT bass to start with!!!
Good luck and always feel free to ask questions here…lots of good folks willing to help!
If I could go back and be 14 with all the resources we have now as new players…I might be as good as Josh by now!
Welcome @TK-421 … Im sure as a long time drummer/ percussionist you will pick up bass FAST.
Just saw an interview with Nicko McBrain (drummer of Iron Maiden) and how he came up with the song “Final Frontier”. He took Steve Harris’s bass and said “what do you think of this…”. Steve said “Its good… you sound like me”. Nicko responded “Well I bloody well should…we have been locking in for over 20 years together now”… LOL
Welcome to the forum Jay @TK-421! How are you liking the TMB30?
HA I knew that sounded familiar! * sound of brain cogs clicking together *
Thanks for the welcome and the comments, everyone.
@JoshFossgreen, I really like the TMB30, although I have nothing to compare it to The size feels right to me (I’m a regular sized guy 5’9"), the weight feels good, and I can comfortably get around on the fret board.
The tone sounds good, although, right now, I’m running the bass into Scarlet Focusrite, which goes into Pro Logic. Once I get an amp, I can let you know more.
The action feels good but again, I have nothing to compare it with. I can say that I don’t have to press hard to get a note and there’s no buzzing (at least related to the action; the buzz is definitely me!).