Introduce Yourself! (2018-2022)

Thanks for the welcome, guys. The thing I appreciate about the BassBuzz forum is that, unlike some other forums where sniping and scorn seems to be a hobby, Josh’s team of bassists seem generally encouraging to everyone else, no matter their experience level and the naivety of their questions. That’s got to lead to more people feeling positive about their learning process; after all, even the best in the world had to start somewhere! (I fondly imagine there must have been a day when Josh picked up his very first bass and said, “Which way do I hold this?” :slight_smile:


Welcome to @alanjans and @GalleyCat (Again as I welcomed you in your other thread)!

This is the best, non-judgmental, supportive bass community I have found. Good luck!


Absolutely Alan, this is a great positive place. No question is too simple and people share great ideas. Seems to me this group fits Josh’s rhythm, he seems a very positive guy and just wants you to play the bass if you think that’s what you want to do.


Ha, still trying to figure that out…


On a more serious note, I am still working on that.

Since Dec. 5, I’m on a Prednisone treatment, and one of the many side effects of Prednisone is substantial weight gain – I gained some 20 pounds in two months… most of that around the waste-- erm, the waist area. So… that kinda tilts my instrument backwards a bit, upsetting my playing. :no_mouth:


Argh, very sorry to hear, man! Hope you don’t have to keep taking it for much longer!!


+1 to that. Hopefully it won’t be too long term!


Yeah, man. I hope you get better soon.

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Hello Josh and everyone. I just signed up for the Beginner to Badass course and I am really excited to get started. I have been dabbling with the bass for a little over a month now trying to learn from YouTube videos but I soon realized that I needed help and some structured lessons. I came across Bass Buzz when I searched for a learning bass online course and the introduction video intrigued me. Especially the part about the gentleman who knew nothing about Bass and took the course and learned to play starting from the zero knowledge and I believe did this in a 30 day period. Impressive and a great promotion for the course to be sure. I am 61 years old and a retired paramedic after a little over 37 years service. I have taken piano lessons as a child and into my teens. About 5 years ago started taking some guitar lessons and most recently got together with a couple of guys to try and play my bass along with them as they play rhythm and lead guitar as well as a drummer in jam sessions. As I said it has only been a month or so and I do not consider myself a bass player and honestly I do not really have an idea what I am doing but fortunately the guys are tolerating me so far! LOL. Anyhow I just wanted to introduce myself, say hello and I am really looking forward to starting this course and learning how to play this fine instrument. I am sure it is going to be an enjoyable experience.


Welcome @medictrader! You’ll certainly enjoy the course! There are many of us here on the forum who are retired and just started playing bass - I bought my first one this past July and immediately took the course.

You’re certainly fortunate to already have people to jam with as you go through the B2B course lessons. Good Luck!


Good for you, @medictrader . . . :+1:

Welcome aboard to the Forums and the lessons, and retirement :wink:
You’ll have plenty of company here!

All best, Joe


Welcome to the community @medictrader !


Welcome Medic - 57 here never played, bought a bass on Feb 3, retiring soon. This is a great place, welcome.


Welcome @alanjans, @GalleyCat, @medictrader and anyone else I’ve missed (I’ve not been around for a week and a half so I might have missed some people).


Hello there!

I’m short (170cm) guy in my late 30’s with short hands from Ukraine. And i like bass. It’s sound is somewhat of primeval magic that makes you religiously involved.

Lessons are fun and I am a happy person with a new hobby. Sometimes my hands disenchant me, but I am aware of the one Big Secret (from the clarinet classes and martial arts) - that is practice on the daily basis and no skipping.


Welcome aboard from a fellow short stubby fingered hopefully bass player.


Welcome, @cheshirrrrre :slight_smile:


Welcome @cheshirrrrre!


Welcome to the forum and the course @medictrader! You’ll be feeling much more confident at the jams by the end of the course. :slight_smile:

Welcome @cheshirrrrre! What kind of martial arts do you practice?


My wife asked me once why I felt the need to own 3 bass guitars. She said it was a lot of money invested and I told her that I get pleasure from my basses just like she gets pleasure from her Disney figurine collection. I think she understood when I put it in a way she could relate to.