Introduce Yourself! (2018-2022)

I hope I’m in the right place to intro myself. I’m new to this, and excited to learn bass. I started a ukulele group at an over 55 community a year and a half ago. So I play the uke (4 strings!) and decided we need a bass player (4 strings!), so here I am! Yeah, I’m about 72 years and still rocking after all these years, still getting better! Peace.


welcome @shockadrew, this is a great place for bass, very positive and supportive. Welcome aboard.

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Welcome @shockadrew! Great community for bass players of all ages here.

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Welcome to the forum @shockadrew!

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Hello everyone.

I’m very new here, and to the bass. I played drums in several bands through my teens and twenties, but haven’t played anything for about 10 years.
I’ve always loved the bass, and have finally taken the plunge and invested in an old Squier bass and Beginner to Badass lessons.

I’m trying to balance studying for a Masters, raising two boys and now learning the bass. My plan is to go slow but to practice regularly!



Welcome aboard, @AdamL . . . :slight_smile:

Glad to have you here with us and hope you enjoy the course!

Cheers, Joe


Welcome @AdamL, sounds like you’ve got your hands full, but also sounds like you have the desire. This is a great place for all things bass. Josh’s program is excellent for a guy like you. You can do it at your own pace, and the modules are short so you can really concentrate on them one at a time. Good luck!


Wlecome to the community @AdamL. Great bunch of bass players here.


Welcome @AdamL!
The commitment to playing for even 5 minutes everyday can not be underestimated.


Hi Josh Denise here from County Durham UK


Hi everyone,

My name is Neil, and I’ve been guilty of guitar noodling since 2005. In 2011, I added a bass guitar to my collection, and I treated bass the same way as guitar: looking at suspect tabs on the internet, and trying them out, but never dedicating myself to play the right way, i.e. with a metronome or jamming slowly in rhythm, then speeding up to track speed gradually.

Flash forward to 2020, and I discovered the Bass Buzz YouTube videos and how great they were. I then figured I’d take out the bass and give it a whirl, since Josh was easily the best online guitar teacher I have witnessed. To my surprise, I made amazing progress just doing the free lessons that Josh provided on YouTube. I then decided to invest in the Bass Buzz B2BA course, and I couldn’t be happier, even though I’m only on Module 3.

I have included a picture of my bass, a SR300 by Ibanez with active pickups (from 2011). It is a humble bass, but it certainly is playable! I love bass players like John Paul Jones, Flea, Geddy Lee, Cliff Burton, Robert Trujillo, and most recently, Les Claypool.

Anyway, I’m so glad that I am getting the lessons, and I look forward to more Bass Buzz videos on YouTube. Thanks!



Welcome to the forum @Neil_L!! Great group here - very supportive, friendly, and helpful!!

Nice looking Ibby 300!! That pick laying on the table behind it looks a bit big though…:rofl::rofl:


Thanks, hahaha! Oh and I almost forgot one more bass player I love: Steve Harris from Iron Maiden. Cheers!

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Hello everyone, glad to be here! My name is Glenn, Gcoco is my nickname. I’ve been playing guitar since i was a teenager, on and off, but just recently picked up a new bass guitar to give it a shot and I can’t put it down!! Stumbled across this site by accident but I love the lessons and the humor as well! Excellent videos! Hopefully my bass guitar playing will be much better than my six string abilities because I really suck at guitar!! Looking forward to learning playing bass!!


Welcome aboard, @Gcoco . . . :slight_smile:

Glad to have you with us!

Cheers, Joe


Welcome @Gcoco! This statement sounds pretty familiar… Think I remember saying something similar several months ago…

Great group here!


@Neil_L Welcome to BassBuzz!
You might be interested in this… STEVE HARRIS LOVE THREAD!

@Gcoco Welcome! You have found the way to BadAssness!


Sweet, thanks @eric.kiser!

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Welcome to the forum and the course @AdamL! Slow and regularly sounds smart. :slight_smile:

Welcome @Neil_L! Glad you’re enjoying the course. Nice bass, I like those. :sunglasses:

And wlecome @Gcoco!


Welcome @Neil_L and @Gcoco, as you’ve seen, great group here very supportive. Good luck!!