Jam Tracks / Improv. Tracks - Share your bassline

Thanks, @kerushlow! Just to be clear: the underlying chord progression and instrumentation was from @Gio (I believe) and we were encouraged to come up with our own bass lines.

This is a “blast from the past” for sure, but probably warrants a re-visit… I really should be able to play this much better now… in any case, with more “conviction” and improved timing.

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Stumbled across the thread and took on the challenge. If it was a year ago, this is a GREAT thing to revisit. It’s a GREAT exercise for new B2B graduates, AND grizzled vets alike. This is a PERFECT example of practical application thatI talked about before on how to get better after B2B.


Yeah, I remember this too. I believe I was in the middle of my Walking BasslInes course at that time, so it was perfect timing for me to practice what I had learned.

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It’s a really great idea. Whether people play along, record to themselves, record for others, this is freedoms m and applying what you learned. Crazy how people come up with different things for the same beat too.

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I seem to remember there were at least four, perhaps five (simple) chord sequences that were provided in here and where people were encouraged to “invent” bass lines for… 2 from @Gio, at least one (perhaps two) from @JoshFossgreen and I had also made a chord sequence (I think @terb even put his bassline to that chord progression on his YT page :grin:).

Anyway, perhaps a good opportunity to resurrect them and re-invite all the many that have joined since (and those who want to re-visit/re-do)!?!?

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It’s funny, not being familiar with the song, and not having band mates you are familiar with (tendencies and stuff) it brings a new challenge too. I would so be down to do more. On this one I actually concluded early…realized the song was still going and did a different finish. Lol.

Weird to me probably, I’m not used to playing along to backing tracks, I’ve learned bass in the most bass ackwards way though.

This is one I did (It seems like) about a year ago in response to a challenge that @JoshFossgreen (I think) put out there.

I’m sure I could do much better now that I have another year of experience.

G-Dm-C-C progression



That’s a great idea, though would probably have most success if @JoshFossgreen or @Gio were behind the post (hint hint, wink wink :crazy_face:)

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I like that. It’s actually sort of unconventional (in a good way) where you sit in the groove and put the fills. Nice job, and I bet you WOULD do some other interesting things if that was a year ago!

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I like unconventional. The balance of adding the weight and meat to the melody (traditional bass role) and straying from it to add to the melody is a fine line. Stray too much in either direction and it can take away from the song.

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I did one to the original one Gio posted for this exercise, the kinda jazzy one, saw there were some others. Kind of buried above. Tried all slap bass with some double thumb stuff. Also this stuff is helping me get more familiar with using my DAW!


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I just listened to your bassline @kerushlow. Well done :clap:

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Thanks! If I was to do it over, I’d some variation to the rhythm.

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That’s where the prerecorded thing is a bit harder for me…if it is my song I know when/where the changes will be. When I am live jamming with other musicians, we tend to develop a feel for each other and of course can change on the fly if needed. With something prerecorded by someone else, you have to figure all that out, and improv is a bit harder. It is a different challenge which is good!

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Yeah, that’s my biggest fear if I ever get the chance to try out with a band: missing the changes and getting everyone all pissed off at me.

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Luckily with a band there are a lot of signs it will happen. Biggest thing is to tune into the vocalist, they tend to give the queues that a change is going to happen.

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Thanks, I’ll remember that

not sure which chord progression but I did two jam tracks records at the time : Gio’s backing track : Cm penta and Joerg’s jam track in D

it seems so old to me … :sweat_smile:

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