Jamerson's Stupidly Simple Exercise (for Killer Bass Lines)

James Jamerson used THIS exercise as a cheat code to create hit after hit bass line - lemme show you how to use it to write your own bangin’ bass lines in ANY style of music.

Jamerson 2

If you’re doing the Beginner to Badass course, this lesson would fit nicely in the Module 12 ballpark when you start learning about building killer bass lines. The 16th note stuff will be beyond our scope in the course though.

Jamerson's Chromatic Exercise Full PDF

I love the Standing in the Shadows book, but it bugged me that the exercise was only written in a few keys... so I've detailed it out for you in every key as I think Jamerson might have played.

Get the free PDF

How cool is it we have a legit bass exercise passed down from Jamerson? Now if only we had more than one decent video clip. What a world we live in, where there’s infinite footage of Lawrence Welk and only a meager clip or two of James Jamerson. :stuck_out_tongue:


Well this sure made me take out my “Standing In The Shadows” book for study!
Great video.

Every single time you played the chromatic walkup, I wanted it to continue into the Sandford and Son theme.


That’s such an awesome Video. I really love the simplicity and how it applies to most songs. It’s my go-to technique as it comes in very handy on a gig playing unfamiliar songs on request. lol.


There is so much tasty, tasty meat in this Jamerson stew.
Way to pack it with all the best bass bits.


How’s everybody’s chromatic exercise practice going? Did it make your bass lines better?

It’s a great exercise , but I’m struggling with it. On my list to work through eventually. Great video though and some awesome stuff in it.


Might be a nerdy question -
Why did you drop the triplet in the key of B (measure 29)?


Definitely a nerdy question, you get a gold medal :medal_sports: :stuck_out_tongue:

The triplet only really makes sense if you’re doing the multiple-string-crossing-while-raking thing, which is how Jamerson (I think) decided to include it in the original exercise.

The way the pattern laid out in the key of B, it didn’t make as much sense to me to try to get to the octave B in that bar, so there was nowhere to triplet “thick-it-dy bow” down from, so I just omitted it.

Hope that makes it make 2% more sense!