JB Potentiometers

So good. :heart: Polysics.

And yeah, that’s the same pickup.

Easily my favorite P pickup.

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I take it that the neck width at the nut is 38mm.

Anyways I’m searching for a good one now, lol. What’s a good price? Are they still being made?

40mm nut.

No, these are a reissue and were only made until 2006 or so. I’ll post an article in a bit that explains everything.

Not sure in the USA, but here in Europe the SBV’s are really rare. The “easiest” to find is the 500 (like mine) but the P pickup starts with the 550.

Here in France, a 500 or 550 is somewhere about 8-900€ to 1200€, when you are lucky enough to find one. When I bought my 500, it was the only SBV listed in Europe and I bought it in the UK. It was 15-20 years ago tho, so there are probably more internationnal selling websites currently.


Yeah I would say 550s are uncommon here and the 800MF is quite rare, even here. The two @John_E owns (SBV-J2 and BJ-5B) are unobtainable unicorns and he can describe how much I was geeking out that we ran across two BJ-5B on the same day less than a block apart :rofl:

There’s only 50 of that one and 100 of the J2. Fumi owns one of the J2’s (and one or more of each of the ones I have owned - she’s kind of a supercollector and I have seen her with many).


Here you go @Al1885. It doesn’t cover all the models but it is a decent overview.



Apparently the 550 and 800MF use slightly different pickups (A202 vs R202 for the P). I don’t know if it is just the cover or if there are other differences; they sound very similar (and likely the same) to me.

I have not found any other models that use these pickups. This is unusual.

Thanks @howard

I’m definitely shopping for one. Although a great deal on a 735A just came up, I’m trying to score that.

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I see three SBV-550 on Reverb right now, all overpriced for here but probably decent for the US.

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Just got this, correction, these. I’ll work on my SBV next, :rofl:


Ahh, very nice. Love the BB, that’s exactly like my first one except with an extra string :slight_smile:

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I’d like to try a BB one day. I’m quite sure I will say something like “Oh yeah it’s better than a P. But I keep my P.” :joy: :joy: :joy:

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Yeah this one is just down to which one you end up picking up more. I loved my P but was always reaching for the SBV and the BB. They are all great instruments.


If you organize guided tours of your bass vault, I’m in.

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UPDATE: Thomann replied to my inquiry about the potentiometers and they confirmed my bass uses what they call “logarithmic” (A curve?) pots, and the behavior I showed them in a video is therefore normal. Good news, apparently.
But then I have two more issues to deal with:

  1. the inspection card is missing a couple of check stamps. Does that mean that particular part of the bass wasn’t checked prior to shipping?
  2. As I’m not used to this type of pots, how would I use them to mix the pickups?

Come on over tomorrow :joy:

How do those two compare?

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Surprisingly awesome.


-One is 4 string and another is 5

-Marcus is a traditional offset body and the 735A is more contemporary


-Both are active with passive tone control these are pretty rare features yet I got both.

-Both have excellent preamps full 3 bands and Marcus also offers Mid sweep.

-Both offer through body stringing.

-Both have excellent built qualities and feel quite premium with their unique features.

ABCD Above and Beyond the Call of Duty.

BB 735A
6 bolt neck with the bottom screws in diagonally for additional stability

45* through body stringing “for better” tension and harmonics.

Sire V7 2nd generation

18v power plant
Rolled edge frets


Yeah the 734/735A is just a stealth masterpiece for the price, they really went all out on it. Only drawback is the limited color choices :slight_smile:

Some people consider it the actual top of the line over the BBP34. I wouldn’t agree but the difference between them is very small and you lose the preamp with the pro.

Same is true of the current Revstar Standard on the guitar side.


I do like them a lot and the 2x split Ps give a totally unique sound.
I have been having fun EQing this bass - it is currently tuned in D Drop C for a tune I have been messing with. Sounds great. The mids are in fact fantastic.