So, my “main” bass is an Ibanez SR300 I’ve had since 2009. This year has brought on renewed interest in all things bass, which includes a serious case of GAS and bass tinker… ing… ness. As such, I want to spruce up “old faithful” a bit.
I want to start by swapping out the chrome knobs, tuners, and bridge with black. I’ve found the black knobs, but the SR300 has a… I guess… stacked bass/treble pot. You can see it here:
I can’t find stacked knobs like that anywhere. I don’t know if that’s because they don’t exist aftermarket, or if my Google-fu is worse than I thought. Which is a strong possibility… I write code all day long, but can’t Google things to save my soul.
Anyway! Does anyone have a lead on stacked knobs like that aftermarket?