Latest issue of Bass Player magazine is really good

I subscribed to this a few months ago just to see how good it was. On average, its ok. Reviews lag the internet, some articles good, but this month’s issue is really good.

  • a look at the internet’s 4-top bass players making BIG bucks and basically never playing live and what the future of this medium may bring with (now millionare) Davie504 leading the charge.
  • crossover interview between Stu Hamm and Ari Cap on playing, teaching, etc

Last month had a good article on John Paul Jones as well.

There is an e version of the mag for tablets and PC for folks in areas that don’t have hard copies.


You gotta hand it to Davie504. Clever dude!


I read that whole cover in Davie’s voice and was anticipating an article about getting a bigger pp on page 420. Lmao. sad raindrop effect


The guy is marketing genius. I cannot stand that stage persona of his, but from time to time I watch a couple of his videos and … I get it why he is so popular.


Big Brain stuff here.
I love Davie504, his dry humor, he’s really clever on many levels.
He does great bringing in old bits and snippets that are ‘inside jokes’ if you watch him long enough.


Slap like now


Davie504 is smug and annoying. Really don’t like his schtick.


Ever see his “real personality” interviews? He’s actually pretty humble and seems generally to be a good guy.

The channel persona is his day job. It’s his act.


Yeah, I don’t think he’s a good guy at all, and no I haven’t seen him in interviews.

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It turns out he’s quite different when being himself and not acting.

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Some of his stuff… meh. But this… 100 Amazing Bass Lines - YouTube

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I love how he just casually tunes down to Drop D perfectly on the fly at 8:28 for song number 69 (of course :slight_smile:).


Ha, yeah. It was like - quarter turn, that will do it.

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Not to mention he’s a phenomenal bass player wether you find him annoying or not. Lol


Stuuuuuuuuuu!!!? :sunglasses:

Bass Legend and all around good guy.

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Davie504 battles Davide Biale.


Bass Player magazine is great, it’s nice to get a physical copy too - if you google something like “bass player magazine subscription”, you can get a deal where it ends up being really cheap per issue. Guessing they must make their money on ads, I was getting it for just over a buck an issue, you’d think the postage just to send it would be more than that?!

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I haven’t bought a magazine in maybe 10 years!

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That’s almost the same time I was involuntarily retired from the magazine publishing business LOL

P.S. It was 2004 actually

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I’ve meet stu, yup very nice guy. Down to earth. Long time member of Bass Player too.