Line 6 M13 Stompbox

Hey guys and gals, our dearly departed Uncle Bob left us this amazing thing…

And I said to my husband, “That board is a sex maniac, you had better watch your goodies.”
And he was like, “What…?”

Then I admitted I had no idea how to use it but that I had a whole forum full of people who might. Anyone got any tips for making some cool sounds with one of these? I especially like that “synthesized bass that actually comes from a keyboard but surprise! it’s a real bass this time!” sound, effects that are cool with slappp (three p’s – no more, no less, please!), and if those are pretty tall orders, I’d just love to hear from anyone who knows any “recipes” for how to make it do anything that sounds cool. :slight_smile:

I have to wait until a new power cable comes in, so if you have any pointers or videos etc., I’d appreciate it. As you can probably guess, I’m mostly looking for examples and how-tos of cool tones and the like – not so much setup, etc, which is the majority of what I’m finding. Thanks, gang!


I would assume that this is all you need…


Nice. I came across this video while on-site for work, today, and it wasn’t loading for me. Home again and I can actually see it! Thanks, man!


The first trick is called Viagra then you know this thread is gonna be good :ok_hand:


O. M. G.
That is c-double-o-l.
I saw these at GC the other day and literally shook my head ‘no no no’ and walked away.
Enjoy the most knobs eva.


makes the Beavis and Butthead ‘BOI-OI-OI-NG’ sound :laughing:



A friend of my used to do this all the time at work lol. He would also lift his shirt over his head and walk around shouting “I am the great Cornholio! I need T.P. for my bunghole!”. Co-workers thought he was mentally challenged. :laughing: Good times


Hahaha, you know what? I don’t care if this topic derails. This thing here had me rolling. Specifically, I lost it at 2:30:


The demise of B&B was a very sad day for me, “sad times”.

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That’s a pretty serious piece of kit. How very nice of Uncle Bob to think of you.


I don’t know where you found this or who made it but it’s great! LOL


He truly was a great guy – Kind to animals, loved everyone he came in contact with and just the most generous heart and soul. I’ve said it before, but my very first bass was his. I have him to thank for hanging out with all you cool cats and kittens :slight_smile: