Melbourne's back into lockdown number 4

I’m pretty much of the same mindset. What I struggle with on this topic is anothers actions can have consequences for me. Or others. I haven’t come to terms with the dichotomy yet.


I think I’m starting to understand this concept. It took me a few beers, but I believe I’ve got it.

If you get the vaccination, you are immune from the virus, unless you come in contact with someone who has chosen to let their immune system create a natural immunization, in which case they are carrying a SPECIAL version of the virus which will penetrate the veil of your immunity and kill you.

Now we can all go back to talking about playing bass and stop arguing :smiley_cat:


I’ll drink to that


Last thing I’ll say about this then.

I have zero fear of an unvaccinated person transmitting the disease to a vaccinated person. I have no idea where that idea even came from, looks like @DaveT.

I also personally don’t care if anyone gets vaccinated or not. Your body, your choice.

However, if you don’t get vaccinated, you should definitely keep wearing a mask, because unless you live in a remote area and are unlikely to see people (which happens!), then you will likely get the disease at some point. And the fact is, not everyone is going to be vaccinated, so you definitely can spread it to them.

If you live in an area where the vaccination rate is like 90% or something, it’s probably an acceptable risk. Taking Arizona as an example, the current vaccination rate is 35.9%. So by just going YOLO you’re not risking just yourself, not by a long shot.

So, if you don’t want to get vaccinated, that’s your choice. But if you then choose to go out without a mask and good distancing, you should really be aware of the risk you are placing on others. The fact is you have no idea if you may have been given the disease by someone else that’s YOLOing along too.

Anyway. I just posted this because for some reason it looks like @DaveT misinterpreted what I was trying to say. As you said, Dave, the numbers are easy to look up, and even the US is nowhere near full vaccination yet. The country as a whole is at 41.2%.


If not for lockdown…

  • I would not have started my website.
  • I would not have had the extra time to focus on sax and bass (with the help of a pulled tooth a few months ago sidelining sax for a month).
  • I would not have spent an inordinately larger amount of time with my daughters, who are 10 and 13, and time with them caring about me is closing rapidly daily.
  • I would not have had all the extra time to shop for bass (and sax) and effects and strings…and picks
  • I would not have reacquainted myself with this community

I have been ultra conservative during all of this due to some very at risk folks in our immediate family, and I have been good with that. I’ve become quite a homebody, and I am good with that.
To that end, we have all been healthy.
I know people who are no longer here because of Covid, as many of us do. Some were very careful, some not.

I consider myself very fortunate.
Others are not able to say that.

I think we should stick a fork in this thread, call it done and focus on bass.
Covid is everywhere else, bass is not.


Oh please please please :pray:


Not trying to shame you into anything.
You have made your position quite clear.

Because people are still dying.



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I remember those days in public school and I also remember not having a choice as to whether you got vaccinated for it.

Where I live in Canada, at the beginning of each school year, parents have to produce documents for both residency and current immunization records. If you do not produce them you are not allowed onto the school premises and face prosecution for not providing the necessities of life for children living under your care.

This was from my first shot. i did not take it back with me for the 2nd shot.
They gave me a new card with both dates on it, but it fell behind my stuff, and I don’t feel like moving everything to get it right now.
But yeah, they give out vaccination record cards

I don’t really care about the HIPPA for this


Yeah it’s like bragging rights if anything, well done :slight_smile:

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Damned typing shortcuts :slightly_smiling_face:
What the heck is the meaning of YOLO?
Edited to add - What is the meaning of HIPPA?

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YOLO is you only live once, and has a few meanings but to me is a player who does something dumb and suicides in a game

HIPPA is a US law that makes medical information private


Thank you for these clarifications @Wombat-metal


Yeah, I think it is Health Information Privacy Protection Act. But could be wrong on that.

I was scratching my head on the YOLO too tho.

BTW, I live 9 times, and I have only used 4 of them so far. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


OK I understand you don’t want to get vaccinated but you need to be aware that this number only applies to the chance of you developing symptoms. It is entirely possible that vaccinated people can contract infections and still transmit them, thus presenting a threat to other people - particularly those who cannot get vaccinated.

You also need to remember that covid is a new disease entity and nobody really understand the long-term effects of infection. it’s not as simple as you get it, you either die or recover and become immune. Many recovered patients have reported long-term health problems (‘long covid’) which may turn out to be permanent. It is also entirely possible that the virus could have other side effects - herpes can recur regularly and HPV causes cancer. It’s also been suggested that the spike in deaths in the great flu epidemic (28 years old) may have been due to these people being previously infected in the previous Russian flu epidemic - the previous infection may have sensitised them to later infections.

What I’m trying to say is that there is far more to the virus than we know and it’s better not to catch it. And if you can get vaccinated this is better for everyone.

I have been stuck indoors now for one and a half years because people are refusing to mask up, keep their distance and take vaccines when available. I’m afraid no man is an island.

I hope you’re right. honestly I do. But as a fellow bass player I would strongly urge you to get vaccinated if possible or at least be careful.


I didn’t say that. I’m saying that me being vaccinated is sufficient protection for me. I don’t require any special behavior from others. I also didn’t require any special behavior from others last year. I’m capable of protecting myself to the level I feel comfortable without telling others how to act.

Relying on the behavior of others may not be the most solid protection strategy.



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Let me jump on this band wagon. My Brother got Covid 19. And he died from it. Fought hard for 8 weeks. He was going to retire in September. Covid is for real. I’m glad things are getting better. My cousin also got it. He also died. And my Mom sister got it and she past away. My Family has not been lucky with this covid. Not till you meet someone you love and they get it, and see how it effect the hole Family it’s not perty. Don’t know we’re I’m going with this, but covid has hit hard in my Family. This is a free country you can do what ever you want. Just be safe out there. The last thing I wouldn’t want is any body to get this. True story and don’t need you to feel sorry for me. I sure there other people out there that have lost love ones. Some people think this is made up. Well it’s not. Thanks


Sorry about your brother @BigAl .

I’ve been fortunate and haven’t lost a single friend, relative, or even any acquaintances. Strangely, myself and the majority of my friends are between 50 and 90 (mostly veterans), which is supposedly the highest risk group. Only a small handful of them got Covid, and only one of those was seriously ill and hospitalized for a day or two.
I do feel bad when someone loses a friend or loved one to any circumstance, including Covid.