Have a go at this - I think it’s prep for the UK Trinity certificate in bass playing or suchlike.
It is a real toughie - or is it just me ?
Have a go at this - I think it’s prep for the UK Trinity certificate in bass playing or suchlike.
It is a real toughie - or is it just me ?
I don’t get it… And I have questions…
This is all very weird…
I think you are the one who truly passed the test @joergkutter
I’ve checked around and it looks like the exams are branded “Rockschool”, a contemporary music qualification offered by RSL qualifications. I’m not really sure why you’d want to get these exams, unless they provide credits for Uni courses.
IMO they just drive the music teaching industry - RSL produces exams and materials that teachers can use to earn money with sexam prep classes…
The idea of playing back the line by ear is cool.
All the words and notes around it are, as you say, weird.
Agreed - this is always a good test and helps in developing transcribing skills… but those “clues” they give you are not really helping