My 1 year of playing BASS GUITAR progress - what do you think?

Last time when I posted here my 6 months progress video I got many great opinions and advices, so now it is time for some update. It is 1 year since I started journey with this awesome intrument. What do you think?


This is amazing.
Thanks for the very excellent document of very excellent progress!!


Thank You :grinning:

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I just watched this from a Reddit post! Good to see you sticking with it. Can’t wait to see what another six months will do! :chart_with_upwards_trend: :rocket:


Great work, @Aleksandra. Congratulations! Keep it going.

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Great to see you progress - and progress you do :smile:

I guess I would repeat what I probably wrote last time (if I remember correctly): I would urge you to practice more (much more) with a metronome or a backing track in order to train your timing and, to some extent, your phrasing as well.

Way to go!!


Thank you. Yeah there’s still a lot of things to work on. :sweat_smile:


Always :wink:

By the way, you can even turn the diatonic scales you played into a rhythmic exercise, by changing the accent, or by playing a quarter note for whole tone steps, and eighth notes for half tones steps (that’ll make for nice syncopations). E.g., the ionian scale becomes Q-Q-E-Q-Q-Q-E-Q; while the phrygian is E-Q-Q-Q-E-Q-Q-Q

And so on!


Outstanding progress


Great progress! I’m in awe of the stretch you have in your fingers/hand. I have giant man hands but when I curl my fingers around a guitar all of a sudden my reach is terrible. I hope you are keeping at it! Great work so far.