My Daughter's Bass player is my spirit animal (on stage)

My 15 year old daughter is in a rock band in central florida (a band called Driven, ages 15-18. They play out almost every weekend and are becoming popular, they just headlined for bikefest). Her bass player (who is 16) has awesome stage presence, but this is one of those songs that she just head bangs away. She’s sort of my spirit animal on stage, and hopefully one day, when I’m old (getting there), I can be like her on stage.



Dang! Her energy is infectious! Tell her Kudos for me. The 4 piece band sounded awesome. Remarkable singer and drummer too.


They sound awesome and great to see them getting into the groove. The bass player is definetly feeling it :sunglasses:


There’s a certain skill level that people achieve with anything and it’s an important milestone.

Being able to do something that requires precision, while you do something else at the same time.

One day, I’ll be able to play bass while jumping around. Today is not that day. Tomorrow will not be either.


Can’t help with the bass - but this you can do to learn jumping:


Kinda hard with one leg, dude.


Thanks! The drummer is my 15 year old


LoL! :rofl::joy::rofl:

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I remember when I started crossfit and I had to learn how to jump rope. Not easy at the time, really.

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I just realized something, how tall is the singer? She looks like a 7 foot Amazonian. The drum riser is about 2 feet tall, that looks like a 22" bass drum so the drummer should have sit at about almost 4 and half foot tall still shorter than the singer by almost a foot, :sweat_smile:

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The singer is like 5’11"

My daughter is 5’2" sitting behind those drums. She’s on a custom made riser. The singer is certainly tall for a girl! And you’re right, those are 22" bass drums! :slight_smile:

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My oldest is 5’11" which is an inch shorter than me. She’s taller with any kind of heels on.

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Yeah those double bass drum setup is no joke, lots of foot traffic :rofl:

She’s very good, the use of China is also very tasteful. I do V-drums and dab a little bit on the acoustic kits but man they are too loud for me. Here’s my kit. I went for minimum foot print on the acoustic.


Well, you could also wear heals to make up for the difference :slight_smile:


Two points here:

1.) You assume I haven’t?
2.) My calves look amazing.


LOL! No, I assume nothing!
I lived in Cologne (gay capital of Germany) for quite some times, and many of my male friends turned out to wear high heels on a regular basis.
It was fun to join them on parties - 90% men, but 10% very good looking girls (and half of them even had XX chromosomes).
It was big fun - miss those crazy times!

Same here :slight_smile:

On one afterparty there was a “challenge accepted” situation where I was tricked into wearing high heals (I have size 46 shoes, but they had a huge choice of high heels for that size).
I felt completely uncomfortable, did not wear them more than 30 seconds (which felt like hours, to be honest). But I got quite a few compliments about my calves too. Mainly from the men - my girlfriend was literally rolling on the floor and could not stop laughing (she practically invented ROFL!).

I felt much more comfortable in my combat boots though, which were my goto shoes for underground events :slight_smile:


Nice! She uses IEMs as she doesn’t like the loudness either, but she would rather play these than anything. She complains if she has to use a single bass kit, which happens for charity events they do :stuck_out_tongue: