My Fans!

Here’s a beginner’s tip: watch out for ceiling fans!


In UK where I live, ceiling fans are about as likely as Unicorns.
So I’ll watch out for both :+1:

What happened anyway?


Not much happened, but lifting the bass while taking it off caused the headstock to meet the fan! Startled me more than anything, no damage to my new Gretsch.


This happened me several days ago. My new habit is to always look up when taking the bass off.

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Phew that’s lucky then.

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Yet another reason I’m thankful for 9’ ceilings lol!

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As @Mark_D said, not many fans in the UK, but I have forgotten I was wearing my bass in backpack mode many times and bashed into door frames or trees and such as I go through. Better to learn with this bass then something good. :slight_smile:

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I’ve done that twice on train cars.

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I’ve done that a lot of time :sweat_smile:


I’ve heard you can wear your gigbag upside down so the bass neck goes towards the floor, but haven’t tried to do that yet.

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Hey, a lot of rock stars have to deal with fans…


That reminds me of something…
When I was young, I scampered up a 6 foot ladder to change the bulb on the light fixture attached to the ceiling fan, but didn’t turn off the fan first. I got whacked in the head by a fan blade and nearly knocked off the ladder.
Ever since, I have been in the habit of looking up whenever I climb a ladder.

P.S. To answer the question… the answer is no. I was already a loon before this happened :rofl:


My ladyfriend’s cat has always known that ceiling fans are sneaky predators, waiting to pounce any time you’re not paying close attention.