My First Pedalboard!

LS-2 is a great pedal. I would use it more for routing multiple effects loops instead, but yes, it would be a (very complicated) solution to this problem as well.

I guess what I am not understanding is the aversion to simply using the volume knob right by your hand on the bass, as there will definitely be a volume/gain knob involved somewhere regardless :slight_smile:

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It probable is! This is something I see as a virtue though :slight_smile:

Haha, I did the opposite.

Although the HL is awesome, it wasn’t as intuitive for me and, really colored the tone IMO. I LOVE the empress’ LEDs and ease of use. I don’t notice any coloring of tone, but also don’t use it as much, it’s on my mini-board. My main board compressor is the OE Cali-76 TX-L. What a pedal!


1176, solid classic :slight_smile:

Definitely not tonally neutral, but that’s not a bad thing.

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I think the OP (@sunDOG) just wants something to “set and forget” and bounce back and forth between his main basses. I can dig this, I’ve done more to be lazier than this, lololol


The Hyper Luminal uses a digitally controlled, all analog signal path.

As for combining digital and analog pedals introducing noise, I’ve never heard this. People have been using both together for 40+ years.


Yeah I understand, but setting the volume on the bass and leaving it is also a thing :slight_smile:

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@John_E is correct. Change basses, click a button and you’re done, leaving the volume control for nuance, if required.

I really like the idea of this, nice and simple, @itsratso!

I also like the idea of a decent multi-effects, although the budget doesn’t quite stretch to that! Thanks @joergkutter!


Not sure about noise specifically but there are possible issues…one thing that definitely is happening is that once you convert from analog to digital the first time in your chain, it is never a true analog signal anymore (so that first one is the most important)
My whole pedal chain is analog so any analog to digital conversion only happens when I record (with a good quality AD convertor)…
if you are doing a number of moves between analog to digital along your pedal chain you are relying on the quality (and speed) of the AtoDtoA conversion each time

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Anyone have any comments/experience with the MXR M87 Bass Compressor?

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from a while ago:

i had problems with one. i couldn’t get it to actually do anything, i don’t know if it didn’t like the input of my bass or what but it would never trigger any compression unless i stomped on the strings if memory serves. edit: yep:


btw when i look back through old threads i have pictures of me with pedals that i have absolutely no recollection of ever owning. which is ridiculous :roll_eyes: :rofl:


Thanks for the input itsratso.


I have one. Want it?

Not the flashiest pedal


Those last weeks I decided to build a new bass pedalboard. I already have all the parts, except a few cables.

Then I decided I will not do that.

For someone like me who use very few pedals, a pedalboard would be almost just for aesthetics. I might change my mind later, we’ll see.


sounds good to me :smile:

of course i also threw a bazillion led lights all over mine :rofl: :rofl:


@JerryP if you are going for a compressor and don’t go with the M87, consider the API CMP
pricey compared to some, but for the type of music I see you play in your covers, I think this would be a great compressor for you
it has old/new modes which = feedback/feedforward compression…the old mode would work if you wanted a little old school studio comp touch to your sound, or the new mode if you want it to be more transparent with your tone


Thanks g13dip.
I’ll check it out.


@itsratso How do you like the Sheeran Looper?

I’ve been looking and it seems like a good piece of kit.


i haven’t dove into it a lot yet and the truth is i’m pretty much a noob when it comes to loopers. i still struggle with getting the timing down in fact, so i’m no street busker. but it does seem super capable, simple to use, and probably more than adequate for me. i do have this idea of having a whole bedroom setup with a looper and my beatbuddy to make songs, but it’s more fantasy and future planning than current reality. i know there is a lot of people online with some opinions on how it handles workflow, but i think that’s more personal preferences than a flaw in the design. i do hope that they continue to update it as time goes by. headrush seems to have a pretty poor record in doing this, but it may be that sheeran himself might push for it. we’ll see.