My First Pedalboard!

Cool! I ordered the mini Jive a long time ago, but got the big one by a lucky mistake. Too bad I kinda blew it up the first time i used it on 18v. :see_no_evil: The light popped but it still sounds dirty/unique. Killer pedal imo

Pretty sure that would always be set to off for me :sweat_smile:

Funny, it seems we got similar interest in pedals and amps.


Hound Dog with all pedals on (except compressor), just for shits and giggles


Glorious :joy: Love the slides, and the bass as well! What is that again, a Skyline 44-64?


Yes, 44-64 GZ PJ

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Pedalboard 2.3-D

No Permenant room for the Ravi Sitar or Fuzzface but can easily be swapped in on the ends if needed.

Very happy with this and getting a lot of cool sounds I was thinking/hearing in my head. Time to record some of them and see what happens.


I’ve decided I need some sort of drive pedal, be it overdrive, distortion or fuzz (though I think fuzz would be my last choice). What I really want is something which has a blend control so I can retain some of the clean tone. I know most of the more expensive bass-specific drive pedals have some form of blend, but I’m looking for something a little more affordable (ideally under 100 GBP/USD). Any recommendations?


Behringer BDI-21? Best $35 pedal you’ll find. Has blend.

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I’ve actually already got one of those, but I don’t generally use it as it alters the tone quite a bit. I’m looking for something I’d kick on for choruses etc rather than an always-on pedal. Perhaps there’s a way to get just a driven boost from it without any other colour - it’s been a while since I used it so I can’t remember how all the controls work together. I guess I should have a play, since I already have it :slight_smile:

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Perhaps the Boss ODB-3? Seems to me you are looking for an overdrive pedal.

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Yeah that’s the main reason people get them. It’s identical to the original SansAmp BDDI. People want it for that color it adds. It’s definitely got a lot of presence.

I have an EHX Soul Food. It’s a pretty decent overdrive pedal and you can usually find used ones decently priced.


Sweet. I think the Soul Food and the Battalion share similar distortion. I had the Battalion and I liked it. It’s a very clean sounding distortion, might be what he is looking for.

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Yeah I’ve considered this as it ticks all the boxes. But I’ve heard several reports of it popping when you switch it on, which isn’t ideal mid-song. I had a compressor that did that and got rid of it.

And so it begins… my first boardless pedals


Thanks @howard …im reading up on signal chain order & i think the way i have them arranged is “right”?
There’s obviously an overwhelming number of “This is how I set up my peddle board” YT vids + a metric shirt-ton of much respected BB forum experience & expertise.
As i understand/misunderstand it, there’s a lot of subjectivity- “shuffle em around & find what you like” which i dig… while there also seems to be a basic fundemental order, things like “tuner first” makes sense to me.
I’ve also read up some on power supply & it doesn’t sound like anybody, aside from the daisy chain manufacturers, have anything good to say about daisy chaining, go figure.
My most recent and first “new in the box” pedal even has an isolated power recommendation/daisy chaining not recommended statement… & while my internal dialogue committee are in deliberation im stuck somewhere between thoughts of "yeah, of course they recommend an ISP…oh look… how convenient… they just so happen to have an ISP, “true iso” & “clean” even, that they would be willing to sell me for the low low price of $200… what a coincedence":smirk:
…and “well, i dont wanna risk frying my new pedal, it wasn’t cheap” (perfect excuse to stomp that GAS switch)
From what i’ve read up on power supply, iso is best, non-iso is way better than daisy chain & advertized as isolated means non-isolated… roger that👍
I think i’m safe & way under current draw vs supply…
Total draw from my 5pedals >300mA & my daisy chained supply puts out 1700mA.
The only noise i get comes from the DS-1 which is noisy by itself, with no b.s. isolated power… well, the DS-1 & my noobie frettin fingers🤪
Advice/recommendations welcomed & appreciated, experience/expertise respected✌️


Order looks reasonable to me! Specifically putting the modulation (your Julia) after the distortion is the way I would do it.


Very cool! Thanks!! @howard


Oooh, I like this @joeike

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@jason74 here is nice signal chain guide from Boss.


Thanks @Paul …so i’m on the right path :+1: