Have you looked how it stacks up against the Boss GT-1B, @techquaikachi?
Have you looked how it stacks up against the Boss GT-1B, @techquaikachi?
I would third that! I have a BDI21 and I really like it.
Yeah I am loving its sweet scooped tone
I’m curious about how it compares to the Zoom B3n as well - since the ME-50B costs about twice as much.
Haha man that pedal. Wah pedal with no moving parts and some decent sounding dirt too. I love EHX.
Hi…I was in the dilema of what pedals to get a few years ago. I ended up getting a multi-effects unit since it cost less that the pedals I wanted. My first MFX unit was a Zoom G5. Currently I’m using a Boss GT-100. The original intent was to experiment with the various pedals and see what I wanted to get. Now I just use the MFX unit…works for me.
@KellyOnley Welcome to the BassBuzz forum. When you have time, join us on the Introduce Yourself! thread.
Is that a modified Behringer BD121 in there terb?
yes it is !
I have one. An excellent pedal for the money.
What have you done to it?
Yep love mine too. I like it more than I liked my Ampeg SCR-DI.
It’s amazing how far things like that have come. I love the Zoom pedals, I’m about to buy my third one, because I miss having the others. I’m just going to throw it at the end of my pedal chain and use it to police up any effects I don’t own now, and for amp and cab sims, drums and loops.
They are just too good these days.
I would call it a “contour mod”. there is a huge notch at 800 Hz in front of the gain stages, and I found it was just too much. So, one pot controls the notch level and the other one controls the frequency. The switch allows to disable the frequency pot (and in this case the frequency goes back to 800 Hz). Also I removed the switching function because I needed some room inside the pedal, and I don’t see why I would want to switch a preamp off.
One day I may release a clean mod with instructions, and possibly a simplified circuitry. A single contour knob (which is the current level pot) would be enough.
Yeah the midrange mod is the one I would consider. I like how you made yours parametric.
So far I like the scoop though, myself - if I want to kill it I just bump the midrage on my bass. One advantage of having a preamp on the bass
My first mod was actually to add a fully parametric mid band to the EQ section. it worked perfectly but, as the notch filter is in front of the gain stages, the saturated tone still was scooped (not sure I use the right words but you know what I mean, regarding to the filter order).
the current mod is more half-parametric but the frequency knob is not much useful. the contour (level) knob is way more interesting ! and probably does more about the same thing than an inboard mid range band.
just for fun, here is a picture of my first mod (true parametric mid band) :
I sort of half get that lol, but I totally understand your point about not needing to turn a pre-amp off.
I have Parametric on my Mesa amp so I wouldn’t need that anyway.
I say wouldn’t, because I don’t understand it yet, and just leave the parametric bit all at the midpoint when I use that amp.
a parametric EQ is not the easiest thing to use, for sure. I have a 6 band full parametric (including the Q factor / bandwith) rack but I don’t use it exactly every day
Let’s see if a dropbox link will work.
edit: nope, at least not that one
I grabbed a used Donner DB-5 pedalboard in good shape and with extra velcro and case for $35. I couldn’t realistically make my own for less than that so I don’t feel too bad about that. Should get here next week.