Nathan East

Especially linked for @Al1885 :slight_smile:

Recently watched this as I’m working on a cover of one of his songs. Great guy.


And this:


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Thanks @Rob150 Gotta check that out. Currently, I’m a Genzler amp guy, I like the neutral tone aspect of the Genzler so you get when you plug in the bass is just the bass tone, no signature amp tone.

Speaking of Nathan Video, this is one of my favorite for sure as I’m finding time to cover a few songs from this album. It’s not easy as yo can imagine.

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I meant to ask you something about amps, actually. I heard a lot about “hi-fi” amps like GK for example. What are they exactly and how different are they from non-hi-fi (?) amps?

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I don’t know about Hi-Fi aspect I think it’s the marketing thing. It could have been the 3 band EQ or the better quality speaker that they put on the different model. I own a few Gallien-Krueger before it became known as GK back in the ‘90s. Back then the 2 well known brands were Gallien-Krueger and Trace Elliot and like golf at the time, you are either on Callaway camp or TaylorMade camp, lol.

If you are looking for an amp, check out Fender Rumble series really great bang for the buck. I’m surprised with the quality tone every time I heard people playing through the Rumble.

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Thank you @Al1885. Right now, for the peace of the neighbors (and mine, as a consequence) I settled for a bedroom-size amp, a small Warwick BC10, which of course is nothing more than a small practice amp. I was thinking about getting separate head and cabinet later, when I am more proficient. Any recommendations? (budget isn’t necessarily a concern, but I’d like to limit the wattage to 3-500).

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I’m using the BA 10-2 and even the single is plenty for a small restaurant I ended up with 3 cabs and 2 heads, I used it a few times but it’s clearly overkilled for any venue except for big outdoor stage, but it’s cool to play with all 3 stack up.

If you also play guitar the acoustic array is just awesome. I use that for my electric upright…

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I must take a look at this one. Thank you @Al1885!

3.5 lbs of weight? Whaaaat :slight_smile:

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No way it’s very light but not that light, lol. It’s 33 lbs shipping weight the amp combo weight about 20 lbs and some change. Very light!

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Seems pretty good. How’s the tone on your Nathan East?

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Good but Nate would tell you it can be any tone, lol. It’s clean and deep the pickups are great combined with his magic box which essentially is a mid variable makes for a cool all around bass.

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