New Arturia Refract plugin - free until 4th Jan

Not really sure how you’d use this, but it’s new, sounds fun and it’s free until 4th Jan. Then says it will cost $100.


Thanks @iDuncan !

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Interesting, it applies polyphonic unison effects to any input stream, and lets you modulate the individual streams. So you could do standard unison detuning, which for bass would have a similar effect to multitracking. But that’s just the start; it would be really easy to do an ensemble-like chorus too, or other modulations. Neat idea.


Super easy install, I just clicked “add license” and it showed up in Arturia Software Center immediately, like anything you buy from them. Very nice.

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@howard thanks for the extra insight on how it might be used. Definitely an easy “purchase” and install. Software Centre seems to always want my password, but other than that, very easy. I’ll have to give it a go :sunglasses: