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waaaaah I missed out on nerd culture and Star Trek talk?!


I would love to see a summary of the responses there :slight_smile:


At some point, I felt like I had stumbled accidentally into a death metal convention - I was equally unable to contribute anything meaningful to the discussion :joy:


Ah, therein lies the problem - you assumed any contribution had to be meaningful. :joy:


Ha, yes, you’re right! As a scientist, I guess uttering meaningful stuff is quite heavily engrained; I am just such a serious guy :laughing:

Of course, I should also heed my own motto: “Never assume, always assess!” :wink:



Tell you what! I’ll post the questions and people can help me fill in answers. Gotta admit I don’t remember them all. :joy:


Hm, I need some (cultural) assistance, I am afraid… What/who am I looking at here??


I was a Jan fan.


That’s Marcia Brady from the TV show The Brady Bunch.


Marsh Brady, (aka Maureen McCormick), an actress from the American TV show “The Brady Bunch”. Many an adolescent boy had a crush on her.


Thanks, Jerry and Kristine!

Sooooo… I am still trying to figure out what made John post her picture here?? :crazy_face:


@joergkutter I think @John_E was flashing back to the “first celebrity crush” question.

I’ll be filling in more answers, just posting the questions quickly.

Lightning Round Questions

  1. Which Disney character are you?
    Josh: couldn’t decide, someone suggested Goofy, I initially suggest Olaf but now think maybe Kristoff
    @JustTim : Captain Hook

  2. Which Hogwarts house?
    Josh: Gryffindor
    @JustTim - Tim desperately wants to be Slytherin, but keeps testing into Ravenclaw
    @John_E did you answer this one, too?
    Kristine: tested into Slytherin twice, but ultimately settled into Hufflepuff
    @athosmr2003 did you get Ravenclaw, too?

One of the first two questions morphed into “Which Lord of the Rings character are you?” and we learned that Scott showed up to a Tolkien class as Gandalf.

  1. Scale of 1-10, how good of a driver are you?
    Josh: 9
    @MC-Canadastan : 15

  2. First celebrity crush?
    @JoshFossgreen (I can’t believe I can’t remember your first answer, but I do remember the Labryrinth Connelly/Bowie combo - K)
    John: Marcia!
    @JerryP Kate Jackson
    Kristine: Shawn Cassidy
    There were a bunch more mentioned - remind me?

  3. Star Wars or Star Trek?
    @JoshFossgreen Both?
    Kristine: (annoyed huff) (not actually annoyed)
    Josh: OK, well, if we put the two creators, George Lucas and Gene Roddenberry, side by side, I would choose Gene Roddenberry.
    Kristine: Fair answer.

  4. Mango, avocado, or lime?
    Kristine: it’s kind of a trick question
    Josh: they all go good together?
    Kristine: correct!
    Josh: if I had to pick one, it would be mango

  5. Do you Karaoke? What’s your go-to song?
    Josh: I have done karaoke and enjoyed it (I think that’s what you said, Josh - K)
    A lot of responses here - feel free to chime in again.

  6. Worst thing you’ve ever eaten?
    Josh: a particularly bad lentil loaf
    Kristine: sea urchin
    Jerry: concurs with Kristine

  7. If coffee was illegal, what would its street name be?
    The most interesting thing that came from this question was who doesn’t drink coffee.

  8. What’s a movie can you watch over and over and never get tired of?
    Again, many responses - let us know yours.



  1. Dale from Chip & Dale
  2. Whichever house has pizza
  3. 3.14
  4. Tiffani Theissen
  5. Spaceballs
  6. Mango
  7. Extreme - Be with You
  8. Definitely Sea Urchin
  9. Rocket
  10. Ghostbusters

Gotcha, thanks :smile:

So, I think my only “meaningful” contribution was Jennifer Connelly, which then prompted Josh’s “oh, yeah, me too… and Bowie…” addition :wink:


Extraordinarily meaningful - see? You did great.

I have a crush on Cate Blanchett


I think that was me. :slight_smile:

9 for sure.

On The Radio era Donna Summer.

Avocado first. Mango only on Mango Sticky Rice. Lime only on certain Mexican foods.

Not since pre-COVID. I’m a master at early era rap, specifically Digital Underground or Beastie Boys. I do a mean Humpty Hump impersonation, and for songs like their Same Song and most Beastie Boys songs I can throw down with all the different voices as needed. When COVID hit I was working on Flo Rida’s Low and Macklemore’s Thrift Shop.

I concur with Kristine and Jerry. Sea urchin is… horrible.

raises hand

I can’t stand coffee.

I have a couple:

  • Full Metal Jacket (I have memorized all of Gunnery Seargent Hartman’s lines)
  • Tombstone

And also these TV shows:

  • NYPD Blue (my favorite show of all time)
  • Deadwood

Yeeessssss! Now it’s coming back to me.
Mango Sticky Rice is sooooo gooooood.
No judgement about the coffee - I don’t really like standard hot black tea, and my mum is from England. :broken_heart: :coffee:

Also a fair answer! lol

I appreciate how hard you’ve leaned into this :rofl:


Yeah, she has that “je ne sais quoi”

I actually had to google Shawn Cassidy - thought you meant David Cassidy :joy:


Mine too! She came over on the Queen Mary when she was in her teens.

She always made me hot tea with a bit of milk and sugar when I was sick. A practice I still continue to this day. It’s quite a comfort.