New Bass or New Amp?

That’s one of the things I really like about this hobby!

Usually the way a sub works is you output the whole signal to the sub (only), and it has a crossover filter that sends the higher signal to its passthroughs (the sub should have a L and R output, maybe more) and keeps the lower signal for the sub.


You really do not yet grok monitors :slight_smile:

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Taking a look at the Logitech, unforutunately it only has RCA in/out, which is a big bummer. Still can work though, output the MOTU to it, and plug the JBL’s into it via an unbalanced RCA to 1/4 in.

Got this cables now:

I have the feeling it sounds better (which cannot be), but the BANG is really not as loud anymore…


Bass teacher borrowed me this… he says it works well in the studio they are building… old walls/lots of interference.

Will test it… if it works I will order few sheets fpr me


Finally. Image upload was failing from phone

And you’ll wear that as a cape, so it makes you a better bass player???!

Like this? :slight_smile:


Love it! No! :slight_smile:

It’s to put a cover around my PC… as noise is worse closer to desk.

It helped… quit a bit!

Also found out a very interesting button on the M6

Wasn’t aware… I can increase input / playback blend!

I am very happy! :slight_smile:

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This is a required feature IMO, I would not buy an interface without it.


Cordial cables are really good!

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Oh… that’s guaranteed from now on. :slight_smile:

Yeah they are!