New Bass or New Amp?

I’ve been considering in getting for my birthday(in 3 weeks) a 5 string bass… haven’t decided if MS or normal… but that would be around the 2.5k€ range.

But I’ve also been considering a different way of connecting my bass to the PC, since I’m not very happy with focusrite and a guitarist in a forum pointed out that Katana amps can be used as an Input interface (via USB or XLR through a normal interface) and this was an AMP I have considered buying before (Katana 110), but stopped considering it to try and improve area around here and get a better sound. AMP + Pedal + BT device = 600€.

What would you do ?


I would get a PA, like the JBL EON 712 (JBL EON712 – Thomann Portuguesa) and a proper audio interface (ie Focusrite Focusrite Scarlett 4i4)

Reason for PA:

  • You can play anything (your bass & background track) through it, without an colouring of the tone.
  • The JBL has a DSP that allows you to optimize the sound for your room
  • You can emulate virtually any amp/cab using VSTs or certain pedals, so you are not stuck to a specific tone

I have the smaller 710 and am very happy with it!

EDIT Ah, I remember you don’t like FocusRite. I heared only good stuff about it - and there is a 4th generation.
Otherwise: I have the Motu M4. Very happy - but I would get the Focusrite Scarlett 4i4 4th generation if I had to buy now. Cause of it’s routing options.


I’m curious what don’t you like about the focusrite?


My 2i2 is having this weird hum, that has literally made me bald in the past 2 months. I only managed to make it better, but you can still hear it… it is terribly annoying.


bald = sexy!!! :slight_smile:


Oh no… My hair has been falling out more lately maybe it’s my 2i2!!!

You try another power outlet? Maybe it’s just a ground issue?

I guess with that it would be more likely to be your PC or usb cable though…


Looooooooooooooooool! There is a whole thread about @Megatronpt FocusRite hell! A great read ^^


I do have the 4i4 4th gen on my wishlist in thomann… just been a bit weary because of what my 2i2 has been causing me. I had no complaints with the 2i2 until I decided to start recording audio in a DAW… that made me identify the hum… and now I can even hear it on speakers.

The Katana 110 is a multi effect AMP also, ground lifts, distortions, envelopes, etc, etc, etc… and powered by a proper power cable instead of a transformer.

My idea was really connecting bass outside of the digital interface… and with the right amount of hopium, get the noise removed completely. (Could also eventually mic it and record it like that instead of direct to PC… as hum doesn’t appear through Shure mic… but this one is for voice)


Why don’t you order the 4i4 and the JBL and a Katana, just for fun. Test it out. And send back what you don’t like.

I see that the Katana has a 10" speaker. You can also get the JBL EON 710 (the one I have). It has a 10" speaker as well. Cause of the digital class D amp, the JBL’s are completely noise-free!

It’s good enough for my purposes, but only cause I need to take into account my girlfriend’s terrorist regime when deciding for large & loud equipment :slight_smile:


Frequency range: 60 - 20000 Hz (-10 dB)

That JBL bottoms out at 60hz. Depending on if you’re playing 4/5/6 string, they bottom out at 31 - 41hz. I think you’re better off buying something purpose built for bass guitar and can handle the full frequency range of a bass guitar.


Oh… I can’t make noise also. Fortunately I am usually alone at home 8:15-18:30… so yeah… sound is up.

I have atm:

Bass → Compression Pedal → PA/DI pedal with GND Lift (XLR) → Focusrite 2i2 → PC

What you are proposing would be something like:

Bass → JBL → Focusrite 4i4(Or Katana) → PC ?

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With the Katana, I’d go Bass > Comp > Katana (and all of the crazy effects you can dial in with that) > Focusrite > PC. The amp has an XLR out and would take the place of the DI.

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Bass=> (pedal, not necessary!) => FocusRite <=> PC (with DAW and VST effects)
FocusRite => JBL
FocusRite => Headphones

So, I use VSTs for live playback and playing around offline on dry recordings. I can emulate anything in terms of pedals, amps or cabs with suitable VSTs!!!

As always: @howard can conirm or deny .-)

I think the Katana also has a compression… which could also render the Comp useless. Would be a test to do yes.

Outputs on AMP are the XLR to interface or USB to PC(Mandatory if you want to use Boss software).

I am in fact seeing more “bang for buck” in Katana only than going a crazy route… but has an external footswitch accessory and the BT device that can also be used to control amp through a phone/tablet.

I’m weighing all options atm… trying to get cleaner recordings.

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This here is where I think most noise appears… hence replacing the PC input.

Looks like I’ll have to “re orientate” an audio engineer to my place :smiley:

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I went into the same trap. But believe me, a) the frequencies below 60Hz are not as important as you think and b) they are still there - only not flat. I could easily get a flat line to 40Hz using the DSP if necessary…

Also, @howard could tell you more about the 60Hz discussion…

PS I’m pretty sure that the Boss Katana 110 will not go lower than the JBL710 or the JBL 712 (cause of the 10" speaker)…


Measured frequence response of my JBL EON 710:

This is BEFORE I adjusted room correction with DSP & REW…

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I’m still not sure that you have tackled the issue. If the audio inteface really is the issue: replace that.
If grounding is the issue: the ground lift or a good DI will “solve” that. But the root cause will be somewhere else, surely!

But: why not get the gear from Thomann and just test it?

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Oh… it is MUCH MUCH better!

The comp/di combo that @faydout suggested to me on discord, did help a lot more than any ifi-audio ground loop breaker devices.

Hence the Katana… as it would change entry point & power source/wall plug.

Unfortunately 2i2 3rd generation can’t use external power and be connected to PC at the same time.


I’m not sure, external power would solve anything. As it is a 2nd route to a power socket, it can worsen the issue, in my opinion. But here I am really not an expert!

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I don’t know how this would work for you but there’s a deal going on for $299 at SweetWater

You just need to get a $60 Bluetooth dongle. To make it even more convenient you can add the wireless pedal Boss FS-1WL. I love mine. I’m using with my Pocket GT, Kanata GO, and my iPad Pro for a whole host of stuffs it can do.

I’m not sure if I saw your posting about your current setup. What amp are you using right now?

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