No substitute for playing it

this cracked me up; 2 different youtubers posted reviews of the updated Orange O-bass today. one loved it, one hated it. just proves the point: listening to other people is easy, but you have to play it to see if you like it.


I bet one got paid to review it and one didn’t.
That too dude seems to like everything, so I basically ignore him now.

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i thought that too, but they both say they were given the bass by orange

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I suspect strongly that Gregor from Bass the World is paid for good reviews. He loves everything.

That said, compared to other basses that he’s gushed over, it seemed like he damned the Orange bass with faint praise.

Subjectively, I wouldn’t consider the Orange as it didn’t sound all that distinctive or great to me.

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I don’t see Gregor in the post only Andrew and Patrick?

Did he review it as well?

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Ok thanks. You boys just need to buy a nice P Bass and all your GAS will evaporate :sunglasses:


I disagree with this.
Does he get paid - yup - he clearly states this all the time.

But he does review stuff he likes, and, he is very good about pointing out what he thinks they got wrong, what they could have done better, what the limitations are, etc. This is where a lot of others go wrong, its either go or no go. I suspect a lot of the folks don’t review things they don’t like very often, which translates into ‘why haven’t I heard a lot about this, let me google…oh…that’s why…it stinks’

Gregor has not led me to a single purchase I wasn’t 1000% pleased with.


The lower guy was lent it…different for sure than being given it.
Thanks to Orange for letting me borrow this bass for the review!
He also is pretty low on subs and likes so may also be just looking to drive controversy to drive viewership.

Objectivity in a world of likes=money is really hard.
Just ask the cable news guys… :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face:

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Oh man I thought this thread was about the rare Orange Smallmouth Bass…


I like Gregor and his channel a lot. If nothing else, the BTW player demos are worth the price of admission, because they showcase how a bass sounds with different genres and techniques. I gratefully credit Gregor for putting my Mayones on my radar.

But, as I said, I suspect a few shillings are spread around for generally favorable reviews, with a case in point being the Orange bass.

I’m not harshing on Gregor. I fully admit I could be wrong, and, if so, I apologize for impugning Gregor’s integrity. I do always find his reviews slick and entertaining. Hell, I even bought a BTW T-shirt.

In contrast, Low End Lobster catches shit for inconsequential stuff like his general goofiness, wardrobe and/or cat-associated debris, but he does deliver non-favorable reviews for basses he finds lacking in one or many ways. I appreciate that because not every bass sounds like unicorn farts and babies laughing.

I don’t always agree with LEL, or with any other online reviewer for that matter, because the final arbiter of what is good, bad, or ugly in an instrument is me/you/any given player with a pulse, ears and preferences.

That said, I do appreciate reviewers who give an instrument a fair and impartial demo of how an instrument sounds. To me, that is where value lies in online reviews.


I think this bass would probably sound better. :crazy_face:


If you really want a single cut with a split coil p pickup, this is one of your only options. Not a big fan of the pickguard but the burst color looked alright

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Yeah Gregor is quite sharp. He often likes products but also says what he doesn’t like. Patrick Hunter is not bad but I got really bored with his strict format a year ago.

I don’t really understand why people have such strong opinions about this bass. I think it’s cool they do something “unique” instead of creating a Fender clone. :person_shrugging:


To me it looks like their take on a Gibson bass.


It is but no one will touch a Gibson bass because of the pickups. I see what they were going for and I don’t think it’s a bad bass. It fills a need for a small group of people. Idk about the orange color tho


Oh? I thought it was the pickups and everything else. :upside_down_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face:


Really? I mostly give him shit for his terrible, inconsistent reviews.

Plus, not everything needs to be modded, dude. I get it, hammer/nail/etc, but still…

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We each have our own individual takes. Nothing to be done about that. Mileage. Varies. Personal shit. So it goes.

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I think the colour is the best bit! :grin: