
Thanks. I’ll try and let you know.

Josh, this so awesome! I just noticed that you now have sheet music! You really respond!

I had trouble communicating my problems with Noteflight. I appreciate that very much!

It is really a pleasure watching your videos. You are such an entertaining, friendly, patient, knowledgeable, tall, 6+fingered, good-looking teacher!

I’m just another old fuck who’s doing something I never thought possible.

I’m trying to learn I Wish by Stevie Wonder. My neighbor plays bass in several bands. His first concert was in Hendrix in 69. He was 14, the ticket was $6, and he was handed free acid when he got off the bus.

I bought a P Bass a week before your video came out. Ben Shepherd uses one. It was about $700. I also have a Rumble 100. Previously I bought a Cort Active Action (?) and LT25 from Fender.

My first song keeps changing, but I am now working on My Wish by Stevie Wonder. I wish I could get the tone of the strings squishing that sounds like an upright bass. I’m also working on Jesus Christ Pose. I can’t get good tabs for it. I also want to learn Sunday Bloody Sunday by Lennon. Again, tabs.

I’m developing my four finger skills. It is frustrating that both basses are difficult to play on the 17th string.

I want to learn guitar, drums, keys, and sing. I taught myself My Wish to sing last week. I help people fill out applications for food stamps and Medicare. Today, an elderly black African American woman in Philadelphia asked if I wanted to sing, I obliged at the end of the call. She loved it. I sounded like a soulless white boy cracker.

I have an essential tremor that goes away when I play music.

My learning style is such that I could use a written summary of musical theory after watching the chapters. Things like Nashville Numbers went over my head, but I want to learn.
Sorry for babbling.

Take care,


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Hey Mike, I’ve got a question related to that answer. I’ve tried to share something with a link to youtube but the website tells me that I can’t share links. Do you happen to know what I do wrong?

Hoping somebody sees that question and answer it, and if so thanks in advance!

@alesplaysbass, I think you can’t post links until you’ve created a certain number of posts. You’re probably not doing anything wrong.


There’s a trust system built into Discord, which is the software used for the forum. Spend some time reading threads, commenting, etc, and you’ll soon be past the new user restrictions:


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