Numb pinkie

I’ve been doing B2B for two weeks now, and I’m having an absolute blast. I played for 7 1/2 hours this weekend, overwhelmingly practicing Billie Jean, and now my left pinkie is numb. Has anything like this happened to anybody before? Just too much too soon? Thanks.


In the first week I had a regular feeling of either pain or numbness in the tip of my fingers.
Now it’s more my wrist or forearm that makes problems when stretching the pinky. For me at least.

But 7 1/2 hours sounds too much. At least if you don’t break it up into segments of max. 30mins.


You are using a digit (the pinkie) that has done nothing for it’s entire life, and suddenly making it work. It’s like a muscle that you have never exercised, and now you are working out with it. Yes, it’s going to be sore for awhile, but it will get better.


I did a similar thing at the same time in the course. It still feels a little tingly because the calluses are still developing


Thanks, all!


Yes, I get numbness, but I get numbness from holding my phone or an IPad up too long.
I destroyed the veins in my hands 10+ years ago, and that may be part of it for me, plus, not being in the best shape right now.
I will saw, it has gotten much better. I used to have to take breaks every minute about, now sometimes I play for a full song or two til I notice it, so give it time, it should come around.


Oh man, @T_dub, I’m sorry about your hands. I have psoriatic arthritis and my hands are affected, so I hear you. Thanks for the response- I’ll keep chugging away!