i do both. but again, and i’m not trying to belittle this, i just don’t see how it would bother you when you are holding the neck in playing position? i mean i’m just trying to hit most of the notes at that point and not thinking about the neck’s balance point. unless the neck of your bass weighs 37 lbs. and i know yours doesn’t
I notice it in my first bass. The short scale Ibanez. It didn’t bother me when I was learning but now compared to my P bass it annoys me. If it doesn’t bother you great, but life’s too short to put up with stuff you don’t like.
I play standing up a fair bit and both my Fender P and J basses don’t dive.
I have a temporary solution for now. But thinking of buying a small circular stainless weight. Drilling a hole in the back of the back of the body and mounting it in there.
You must do a bit of diving (no pun intended).
This must make for a heavy bass. How is it on your shoulder? Coincidentally, I use a very similar strap on my CT. I’m a short dude, so I cut it down. No reason to have a bunch of leather hanging off of it, that I dont use. Although now that I’ve gotten better at playing, I kind of wish I would have left one more button hole.
No because it’s a cheap bass and the body is really light. So adding that 500g / 1lb weight bumped the whole bass up to about 8 1/2” pounds.
Plus I use the Gruv Gear neoprene strap and it’s super comfortable.
I think that depends on how you hold it. If you have the neck tucked into the crook of your thumb and first finger then, yes, it’s going to support the neck easily. If you have your thumb in the middle of the neck and your fingers perpendicular to the neck, as both Josh and Mark Smith recommend, then it’s much much harder to support the neck and maintain that light low tension hold.
I have the purple 50 watt amp, it is my “living room” bass rig.
My mind’s not made up on the bass; on one hand, it’s kind of cool (that checkerboard binding!), but on the other, everything I have read sys these are pretty crappy instruments.
I just can’t drop $600 on a novelty bass. That being said, twenty years down the road, people will be paying six figures for the damn things…