Other Scales?

Apologies for getting back on topic but you also need the Blues scale but it’s just a minor pentatonic with an extra (blue) note.



Minor Pentatonic is also more useful than one might think; both Bass and Guitar are tuned to it (Em pentatonic)

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You laugh, but you haven’t lived until you have been chased around the living room by an angry hunstman


That kind of living I can gladly live without! :crazy_face:


If I want to remember what a major pentatonic scale sounds like, I just think of “My Girl” :slight_smile:

The plugin Scaler 2 is great for exploring scales and modes.

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Clock Spider has taste in breakfast choices


Yeah…no. Y’all can keep all those mammoth carnivorous arachnids.

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You could always head up to the panhandle for tarantulas. One jumped on me as a toddler, right through a car window. Might be why I hate bugs now.

Up North we have Taipans which have been known to wait for passing cars (specifically in the Lawn Hill National Park) and launch themselves at the driver’s window.

yeah that was prettmuch what happened to me, Texas/OK border area.

Been up that way a lot as an adult. Always through, never to.

We have tarantulas in all parts of Texas. They’re cool. They don’t bite and aren’t poisonous.

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Well a huntsman, or “clock spider” apparently, won’t kill you but it will hurt and make you a bit sick.
A Taipan, airborne or not will probably kill you if you don’t get help quickly.
A Funnel Web however will kill you, quickly and painfully and they live near a major city


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old internet meme. Only one Huntsman is Clock Spider. He is legend.

In Peru they have the chicken spider, which grows to the size of dinner plate, kind of creepy.

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Does it taste like chicken (someone had to ask)

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Not the kind of scales I’m interested in, thankyouverymuch. Yikes!

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We have a lot of ticks and mosquitos, it doesn’t take big bugs to make you hate bugs :joy: