Other Scales?

Other than the basic Major and Minor what would you say are the best scales to learn and why?



Must know!


It’s the essential. It in teh fills, solos, pretty much everywhere.


Very easy too as it is a subset of the parent major and minor scales

The pentatonic scale is essential to know, for sure, but there are several other scales that are integral to many music genres.

If you’re interested in learning more about different scales and how/why they’re important, check out Talking Bass on YouTube. Mark Smith has a tons of free scales, technique, theory and bass line (songs) breakdown videos there.

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I don’t know about other places but here in Florida the most important scale to know is the pattern difference between Coral and King snakes.

Red touch black; safe for Jack,
Red touches yellow; kills a fellow.

EDIT: Nvm, misunderstood. Pentatonic. Let’s go with pentatonic. Both major and minor. Then maybe minor blues pentatonic.

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So you’re saying, don’t go to Florida?

Got it.


Florida is no Australia, but keep in mind, Florida has a whole Florida thing of it’s own going on. Plus Disney.

Florida is the Australia of the US.

Numerous venomous snakes, deadly plants, gators, falling iguanas, wolves, coyotes, bears, cocaine sharks.

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Then again Downunda has Clock Spider…

ok yeah Florida has bugs too, nevermind.

An American friend sent me this to explain Florida to me.


Comedians are pretty united on this front.

Another thing to remember about the US: all the states make fun of each other. All of them. Even Rhode Island. It’s all good natured, but it’s just our way. Healthy rivalry.

Often it’s the neighboring states that get the most in to it. Like, my parents were both from Oklahoma, and when I told my Texan friend this he came back with “Ahh, just like Texas, but meaner.”


Weird? I’ve never heard anyone making fun of California :rofl:


Oh yeah no one would EVER do that :rofl:

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In New England, which is 5 states with common background, anyway NY sits just to the west, and in NE we have a word for folk from NY who drive east. We called them Foreigners.

In America you make fun of your friends with more enthusiasm than your enemies.


Yeah totally. And you better be able to roll with it too or it gets way worse :rofl:

We call them half-backs. Because they move to Florida from New York, realize it’s not really for them, and move halfway back to somewhere in the Carolinas.

We have a city here called Cary, and the joke is it stands for Containment Area for Relocated Yankees.



Great examples.

In the end all the states have lots of great stuff going on, but ridiculing each other is just our way.


New England is old, and we find that amusing, because pre-civil war Yankees only come from NE, and they haven’t forgotten it. Tradition is big in that neck of the country. Funny really.

In South Carolina they simply called Yankees who didn’t go home Damn Yankees

Maybe it’s because I am from places that are really commonly made fun of (Portland and SF), but I have always found the whole thing hilarious. One can dish it out, but you have to be able to take it as well :slight_smile: