Parts for Peavey amps?

I picked up a Peavey Mark 3 Series 300 bass amplifier head this week, which I really love! The only problem is, one of the equalizer sliders got broke off during shipping. The amp works fine, but I have to stick a screwdriver in the slot to adjust that slider. Are there any places to buy parts for these older amps, or am I SOL?

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Could you take another one and have it 3-D print copied?
There are loads of places that would do this now online.


Definitely check with Peavey. They used to keep stores of all kinds of old parts.

You could use one as a template and 3D print another, I guess.

EDIT: Sorry, I see that @John_E replied with the same idea.

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Do you need the plastic piece or the whole slider?



That is quite a collection of Peavey amps.
:sunglasses: :+1:

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The slider itself is broken off. This is the amp - you can see the second to left slider is gone.

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Yeahhhhh… :crazy_face: this is the dusty sight that greeted me after 3 years of not being able to go upstairs to my utility room/studio. …I’m half afraid to turn them all on at once :grimacing: POOOF!
The Peavey in the middle is dead. But I can’t get the old parts for it. It’s the oldest one about 1979/80, I believe. THis is the donor for parts.


Now that’s an old-school computer monitor.

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It’s an old Mono-chrome monitor that went with wifey’s mom’s old IBM thats’s also embedded in that mess.
Now that I can somewhat confidently climb the stairs I gotta clean this up. :confounded:

If you find the keyboard, it might be worth some money. People collect IBM Model M keyboards and they will go for $150-300 on eBay depending on condition.

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It all works.


Might want to check what kind of keyboard it is, some of these go for bank :rofl:

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