Pick vs. Pluck Volume

I am (trying) to learn Jethro Tull’s version of Bach’s " Bouree. I usually play finger pick, but for the middle part that has 5th’s played in quick succession, I find a pick to be much easier to use. So my plan is to start with finger style, then pick for the middle part, then back to finger style.

But with any pick of a sane thickness, the volume is much louder than with my finger picking style. I play an Ibanez SR 655E, so have switches for active/ passive and can maybe switch to a different volume with that technique. Any other ideas would be most appreciated.

Still thinking of how to dispose of the pick for the 3rd part. Using lighter fluid on the pick a la Jimi Hendrix comes to mind.

Compressor or a volume pedal?


Volume knob?

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:+1: for @alexmorrison14’s suggestion to use a pedal. You can just tap it with your foot on/off to get a boost. With multi-effects pedals like my Zoom B1X, you could copy the preset and switch back and forth.

As for parking the pick, I’d stick it somewhere in the bass, maybe under the strike plate or into a little gap. If you need it again, a pick holder could be worth sticking somewhere, or some double sided tape with multiple picks.

Happy picking!


That’s exactly the answer I needed. Thanks… As you might have noticed, I needed an “undo” button to get the comment right!


I installed an undo pedal on my Notebook! It’s great :slight_smile:

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I usually only post on two forums, this one and an engineering forum. The engineering forum gives you 10 minutes to make any changes before it’s committed to eternity. This one has no mercy!

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You can edit your posts

I think you might need a certain number of posts first?

But with a “(post deleted by author)” as a memento to each error.

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Those are your BassBuzz forum battle scars, young Padawan :slight_smile:

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There is an edit button. You can edit them forever:

Screenshot 2024-04-26 at 6.42.53

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Right, but they always leave the telltale line “(this post has been deleted by the author)”.



Forever is a long time :thinking:

“24 hour banking? I don’t have time for that…”

  • Stephen Wright

I found a brilliant way out of my tragic dilemma! My Ibanez has an active/ passive switch. Just preset the volumes for both active and passive mode, and eureka!

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No that’s only if you delete not edit. However if you edit more that a few minutes after posting there is an icon that appears with your post saying that it has been edited.