Playing a song the "right" way

When Beato is going through “what makes this song great”, he is absolute gold. At his strongest.


The difference is we admit when we are wrong.

Or at least I do which is often enough :rofl:


From a very specific era.

I should elaborate a bit. I actually think about this all the time. In that I find myself explaining things a lot, and get really self conscious about two things while I am doing it: (a) am I right, and (b) good god am I mansplaining this?

Definitely been some embarrassing cases where I was wrong. I try and go back and call myself out when this happens.

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One thing I do when I am wrong and get called out, is leave my incorrect statement be. Let people see me being dumb. I have no problem with that, it’s not an ego thing with me. I hate like heck to be wrong but that’s not ego.

I wouldn’t be so sure :sweat_smile:


Rick is a content creator, what he says in a video is not necessarily what he thinks. Content creators know that if they post something controversial or make mistakes, they’ll get significantly more viewer engagement and comments are very significant to the YT algorithm.

I think that Rick has an extremely wide view of music and is extremely knowledgeable and experienced; it’s unlikely his view is that narrow or limited.

It’s like people who think Scott from SBL is arrogant and I think “what?” because he absolutely isn’t, he’s just a nerd who loves bass and wants to share that. Sometimes how you see a person is more about you than them.


this is no joke my constant self-conscious fear online :rofl:

especially as I am at that, you know, age


Well at least that shows you care and are mindful of it :sweat_smile:

I once had a guy at work try to explain something to me that I had only very recently had to explain to him. :woman_facepalming:


If you explain something about health to a woman and don’t know she’s a leading cardiac doctor: not mansplaining. :white_check_mark:

If you tell a woman how she should be training and you know she’s an Olympic cyclist: mansplaining. :x:

If you tell your wife how to do the laundry and you never do the laundry: mansplaining (and not very smart) :laughing:

I think that mansplaining is often more about telling someone what they should do when they didn’t ask you.

Now if you’re some kind of expert on Mansplaining, I’m unaware of that and this is not mansplaining :sweat_smile:

I once came close to explaining something to someone online about image sensors and photography but luckily realized that they were instrumental in the invention of the modern CMOS image sensor… so I narrowly avoided feeling stupid about that for the rest of my life :joy:


Just want to point out that you are currently mansplaining mansplaining to someone that is probably on the receiving end of it all the time :slight_smile:


I do think he is extremely knowledgeable, in a narrow band of music. I can’t imagine him listening to Olivia Rodrigo, or Poppy, VoB, X, or know about City Pop, Kratfwerk, possibly Daft Punk. He’s really good on the mainstream stuff. But Shonen Knife? Pizzicato 5? Probably never heard of them.

I don’t see Scott as arrogant, just too talky and goes on too many tangents.

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I deal with this by treating everyone the same. Unless I already know you’re knowledgeable about something, I’ll explain it and I’ll usually ask if I need to continue explaining it or if you know what I’m talking about. :slightly_smiling_face:

Recently I was explaining the science behind something to an engineering co-op student because usually they’re interested in things and and I figured it would give her some additional insight into what she was doing. She said “that doesn’t really help me with what I’m doing” and I thought “well that’s the last time I’m making an extra effort for you” :laughing:

Man this topic has really gone off the rails! these messages need a button you can hit to derail the train onto a “siding” for further discussion :thinking: Choo choo!

it’s what we are good at


How convenient of you to leave out my next paragraph :laughing: and just because she’s the “victim” of mansplaining doesn’t preclude me from sharing what I think. I explain things to dozens of people and you’d be the first to ever accuse me of mansplaining anything to anyone. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yeah sorry but I just had to giggle :rofl:

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I have no idea who they are but I wouldn’t assume he’s never heard of them. I would assume the vast majority of people outside of Asia who aren’t onto that type of pop have no idea who they are. You don’t have to know specific artists to be knowledgeable about a genre though and I expect that he know the demographics if his viewers.

He’s definitely not for everyone, I enjoy the additional insight he adds to things.

I think it’s ironic that it’s called “talking bass” when Mark doesn’t talk much :smile:


You always have to realize too that just because I say something doesn’t mean that’s what I actually think or that it applies 100% of the time :smiling_face: sometimes it’s more about getting people to share what they think. Also Im off work for 10 days so i have a lot time to cause trouble :sweat_smile:

I recall doing a photo presentation and having someone asking me about how I would do something and I told them… and then the next time I was in that situation, realized that I did something different, which made me laugh :smile:

My wife and I have a deal, she tells me when I’m mansplaining so that I know what it looks like in the moment. I obviously try to yeah, but… and to explain my way out of it but I think it’s really helped to not just not do it but it also has the added bonus that I tend to listen more rather than jumping in with my super expert opinion about every single thing.


Wow, I see my work here is done :astonished: :laughing: :rofl: