Anyone else find that playing sunglasses makes their playing way cooler?
My bass skills are so poor that the only way I can be cooler is if I play outside…
…in the winter. LOL.
I just have this theory that wearing sunglasses appears to increase your bass skills by at least 50%. At least that’s what my husband told me last time i played live! I was wearing sunglasses because it was sunny in the pub garden.
This is what Santa playing bass must look like
Joe Dart does.
Yeah for sure.
yeah but sometime the indoor lighting (stage light) is bad then sunglass helps you from seizures ,
Works for Joe Dart. Combined with epic, neck-breaking head bob and you’ve got the coolest dude this side of 4 strings.
The disadvantage of sunglasses is that i can only really wear them outdoors. Wearing them indoors exposes me to certain very uncool hazards - knocking over music stands, misjudging the steps to the stage and generally blundering around like Mr. Magoo. Not cool. Not cool at all. What is the solution to this dilemma bass buddies? How can a 67 year old Nana maximise her cool bass factor indoors?
Not sunglasses but my playing is improved by ear plugs…
Damnit! all that time spent practicing, all I needed was some shades!
I think these would increase my geriatric “vibe”
Know it bro!
But can flip-ups ever be cool? Maybe. Maybe this is a genius idea saroohoo.
One of the other bassists at my church puts his sunglasses on his forehead while playing, like just above his eyes.
Can’t really see it, but this guy seems to have some kind of glasses … and he looks reasonably cool!
My playing is also improved when you wear earplugs.
I’m definitely going to adopt this as my look.
You just need a red onesie, and you’re set
That’s how all Australians go for a drive, didn’t you see the documentary it is from?