Playing through Audio Interface - Compressor?

I’m currently plugging my bass directly into a Solid State Logic SSL 2+ Audio Interface. However, to get my volume correct, while playing along with the B2B courses, I’m right on the verge of clipping and the occasional agressive pluck, sends me directly past 0db into the crunch. Would a bass compressor pedal stabalize the signal enough to keep this from happening? Or, are there other ways to fix the issue? Thank you!

  • Rodney
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a compressor could help but a limiter would be more appropriate in this case


Turn down your bass volume knob.
It’s free. :upside_down_face:

Depending on DAI and bass input (preamp or hot pickups) clipping can be a thing.

Turning your volume knob down simply lowered the “gain in” in this case.


You can also use the DI Box. It’s more important to a bassist than any other pedals.


Just turning down my bass volume knob seems like an obvious solution. :grinning: But I figured it out. My Monitor Mix knob on the audio interface was set to high to the USB side. So, I got it figured out. Thank you all for the help.

  • Rodney

Well instrument level is pretty hot that’s why most mixer have a pad switch to bring the level down, the input are also called Hi-Z. You’d need to bring all instruments to the line level to make every thing workable.

Isn’t it the other way around? Line level higher than instrument level?


Most audio recorders have a -20db pad as well, but not audio interfaces. As you can see, the top knob on the right is an Input/USB mix. I usually keep it at 50/50 (12 o’clock position) when doing podcast interviews. Look where it is to mixing my bass with the audio from the B2B lessons.

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Are you running the bass in to channel 2 there (looks like it?) I used to have a SSL2, fantastic interface, and it has really good and powerful preamps. I would recommend you turn the input gain down a bit. You generally want to shoot for a mean level around -20db there, -10 is ok as an occasional max, no higher. (ideally you want to record at around -18db).

Your monitor mix is working as intended, though you have the instrument side cranked up very high compared to the PC. That only affects what you hear, not the signal sent to the PC.

There’s always this, yeah :rofl:

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Yep, the bass runs through channel 2. One of the things that I don’t like about the SSL2+ is the meter markings. -20 to -10 is a big jump. I try to keep the harsh peaks at -10 on the interface.

Running through a DAW, I can get more accurate readings, and get it right in the -18 to -15db sweet spot.

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If your input is peaking at -18 to -10db, I doubt you’re clipping on the input then.

You do have it biased way towards the inputs on the monitor out; is that required to keep the bass volume high enough compared with the video?

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The -18 to -10 db is where I am now. When I originally posted the thread I was really having an issue with the mix coming out of the monitors (headphones) between the B2B lessons and my bass. And, like an idiot, I kept increasing the gain on my bass, rather than just turning the USB/Input Mix knob more toward Input (my bass).

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BTW…yes, the USB signal seems to be kinda hot, so is do have the mix knob more to the input.

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Ahh! I missed the post where you figured it out.

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