Plugins I Have Known And Loved

Dammit now I just noticed the OB-1 is on sale :rofl:

September is PluginBoutique Synth Month, so lots of them are.

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Howard, you don’t need any new toy in your toy box. :wink:


I absolutely do not, correct. I actually should sell some synths, I am more than covered. I’m not buying it, just laughing at the universe :slight_smile:

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Actually taking stock, I might be serious and really be done buying them, I am pretty much completely covered for what I want.

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I had this revelation when my colleague came for a visit, he’s a keyboardist in his local amateur band, he knows a little about music production and so, and he was absolutely blown away by the setup. He was literally running around my room like a little kid in a candy store, pushing buttons, sliding sliders, trying all possible VSTs. I am so done with acquiring new gear and software since that experience. I have literally everything I will ever need to create whatever kind of sound or music I can think of till the end of time. And so much time I save just by not following all the possible information channels related to gear and software.


Totally. I have built up and now my innate minimalism is starting to kick in, too.

If I am honest with myself even just the Bitwig builtins are more than enough.


Wow, the bass sounds great, and the singer is putting in a shift! Great stuff, Thump Whistle!