Post your Christmas covers

Merry Christmas ya all!


Great job @John_E - I’m now feeling the Christmas sprit :slight_smile:

That is a gorgeous Hofner. And with the McCartney strap tie! :ok_hand:


Good job @John_E ! Thanks for contributing.

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Well my fellow Buzzers, it doesn’t appear that I’ll recover from my laryngectomy in time to do a Christmas cover this year. Instead, I’m reposting the one I did last year when the cancer was just beginning to unleash it’s evil upon me.
Merry Christmas


I don’t think I’ve seen a cover of yours before. That was great. That bass is beautiful also.


Thanks, I’ve posted lots of covers. Take a peek in my index :smiley_cat:


That was awesome @Ed! Doesn’t get more rock and roll at Christmas than Chuck Berry. Those old Chuck Berry Chess recordings have a lot of good bass gems hidden in them. Nicely done.


Merry Christmas to you too @Korrigan…. Being a veteran, I can appreciate the words in that tune. You played and sang it from your heart…. Much appreciated…


Really nice playing @John_E, lot of nostalgia with this one as well, loved it,

I’m having a similar problem with the xmas cover I chose. I’m struggling with timing, think its 3/4, slow tempo…sometimes slow songs can be trickier than fast ones.


Merry Christmas @Korrigan, those closing words are as true now as they were 100 years ago, thanks for sharing

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Love it. Perfect for the rainy day in SoCal. Thanks @PamPurrs




I have a lot more to learn from this song. Tempo was an issue today, I think I could have turned up the track while I was playing so I could hear it better, but this song is just kinda hard to play too. It would be good to learn pull offs too.

EDIT: I went back and synced up the audio track. This was the fist song that I used Moises to remove the original bass track from and when I put the bassless track in garage band I just lined the start of the track with the start of the original track instead of actually syncing the bass track with the bassless track. So anyway, it sounds better now.

The Waitresses - Christmas Wrapping


You’re doing fine. The full bassline to this song is really difficult and well beyond the abilities of most of us here. The fact that you have gotten this far is really impressive, it’s better than I could do.

The feedback I would have it to simplify it a bit more and make sure you nail the timing of what you have there. It looks like you’re really at the edge of ability here (which is totally understandable for this song) and the timing suffers a little. So ease off a bit on getting all the fills in, nail the timing, and then start to add stuff back in.

Seriously, though, congrats. I can’t play this one.


What @howard said.
Good news is you have it all there, it’s just nailing the insane timing of this tune. Keep at it @Paul_9207
Kudos even going for this one. It’s a beast and your staring it down!


@howard @John_E
Thanks guys! I definitely could have used another week or two, but I don’t think I have any other time before Christmas. I will keep at, it’s a lot of fun to play.


Wow that was awesome @Paul_9207 ! I would never attempt to play that and that you have it all memorized blows me away! Great job!


Thanks Jerry!


@Paul_9207 that’s great. You nailed the notes it just needs to feel better under your fingers that just takes some repetition. You are about 32nd behind which would put you slightly behind the beat, the best place to be for a bass player just a hair behind the beat. Your notes would stand out and feel organic in the mix.

Too much of perfect time would make your bass lines disappear into the mix. You are almost there and you already have the feel of the notes. The next time you record this song you’d be a whole lot better, I know it. Great cover buddy.


Thanks @Al1885 that is helpful information. I’ll keep that in mind.