Post your covers! (2019-2022)

Nicely done @terb. Again, not my type of music, but from an artisan point of view, I respect the quality of your bass playing.


Love the tuning. Now thatā€™s low :slight_smile:


Oh yeah! I was a bit of a metalhead when I was youngerā€¦ Still am, to an extent. I like many styles of music, but I always gravitate towards the ā€œheavierā€ stuff. Never was into Sepultura that much, although I do love their song Ratamahatta. And I loved this cover! Great tone, and impeccable timing. Great job!

Yeah, just see how that E/A# string vibrates!


@JerryP Great job, my prof at Berklee would really be happy with your plucking hand technique, nice light touch, allows for more dynamic range, no straining. Just overall an amazing rendition.


Thank you everyone for the comments! I really appreciate them.
@terb, the tone on the Traveler Bass for covers is what concerns me. Since Iā€™m not home with access to my other basses, Iā€™m sometimes reluctant to make a cover with it.


@terb, Great cover Laurent! You always get the correct tone for the song youā€™re playing. Excellent! Although, next time Iā€™m going to have my first coffee before listening. Woke me up for sure. :smile:


Always loved this track on the album! Great cover.
Iā€™ve found that for super low tuned I love the 35" or even 36" scale length basses!
Keeps the tension even when the strings are huge or the tuning is low.
How did you feel the fender held up?
Did you go extra heavy gauge strings?


Great 12 bar piece Jerry @JerryP,
Very nicely played, takes me back to ā€œback to the futureā€ every time I hear it, you certainly look very relaxed playing itšŸ‘
Cheers Brian


Very impressive Laurent, @terb,
Great grungy tone, not my style of music.
I did like the changes in tempo and groove and you were spot on with every changešŸ˜Ž
Nice T-shirt :+1:
Cheers Brian


Thanks Brian!


Nah, I agree with the first one. I was never a Sepultura fan.
But nice cover none the less.


Nice cover @JerryP
I toyed with the idea of covering that as my first cover coming back from being ill, but I found a few other songs that I am going to do first, like 7 or 8 songs (just waiting for my buddy to give me the copies of the songs with the bass removed, then I will do bass work), so if I do do this Johnny B. Goode cover (look ma, he said doodoo) it will be a while down the line so the two covers wonā€™t be judged against one and other.
Plus, I was trying to figure a way to cover the Sex Pistol version, but it is long, and live and blends into Roadrunner, and would be crazy to cover.
On other hand, would be a good way to improvise, not needing to play note for note.
Hmmm, will have to see how the track sounds with the bass turned down and see if it is do (do) able.


Plus there is nothing wrong with trashy music. Trashy techno/house club music (as opposed to the large amounts of good stuff) is a guilty pleasure of mine. Used to lightweight collect it.


Oh, of course not, I didnā€™t mean for it to be meant as a bad thing, just playing around with the word since I donā€™t like Sepultura, but Trash music is fine by me. Just sing please, donā€™t sound like a dog barking like they did in the early stuff.

Funny thing, GutterMouth did a death metal track, a short one, but they started playing really heavy death metal riffs, then had a dog growling. and it sounded like some death metal singers.

I have plenty of friends that are in bands like that, I just canā€™t stand the singing. Like Dystopia and Mind Rot and Mange are some friends bands from yesteryear that had a pretty big following. loved the music and bass lines, couldnā€™t deal with the growling mumble scream.

Regular screaming like on this track Terb just covered is fine with me, but that growly, dog barking stuff, just not my cup of tea.


Yeah I think I have mentioned that before - I am all in on either the screaming or melodic vocals and less on the gutterals. Which is probably why I like bands like Oathbreaker and Deafheaven more than most of the other blackgaze/deathmetal stuff.

Then thereā€™s bands like Cult of Luna, which do all three really well.


oh yeah, sorry, I always make this mistake :sweat_smile: thank you, I corrected !

yeah, I love those ultra-low tunings more and more

on the same album :slight_smile:

free audio coffee :joy:

in fact itā€™s not a Fender, it is a cheap Jim Harley that I salvaged from the trash. Iā€™m convinced that a 35" or 36" scale should be really cool, but this P is a classic 34" scale. this thing supports pretty well the low tuning, even with a heavy overdrive, thanks to the MEC (made in Germany) pickup taken from a Warwick.
The strings are 130/65 Dā€™Addario , in fact these are the four big strings of a 5 strings set. The bass is specifically set up for BEAD tuning, very fun and useful when I need the 5-string register. No problem at all with the A#-Std tuning !


I think it works well especially for those old mixes like Johnny B Goode where the original bass tone is not perfectly recorded at all. no problem for using this bass for covers in my opinion !


So it is trash metal after all :joy:




:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: