Post your covers! (2019-2022)

Drumroll please…
First full song playalong done and dusted, complete with a couple of errors (and children), but I had a blast.
Started playing mid July 2022.

Fully channelling some Gran Turismo nostalgia from my youth with a classic Feeder song :grin:

Set up for those who may or may not be interested:
-Aria FEB-F2M
-Gear4Music 25w amp
-EQ set flat on the amp, on the pre-amp the bass was adjusted up a smidge and the treble adjusted down by an equivalent smidge.

Thanks for reading/watching :grin:


Nice job @mikeyjayjay
Not sure how you concentrate with kids so close, lol.

Is comment only on your plucking which varies in volume from good to way to hard giving some clanks and bonks on your bass.
I’d think about correct posture which will help this and only avert poor habits later on.

Well done overall!!


This is great. Young one down in the front really enjoying it


Loved it! Way to go dad – bringing the kids up right with good music. Really enjoyed it. Isn’t it the best when songs have drink breaks built in?


It’s the default these days, though it is just a case of it being the weekend meaning I get the opportunity to play in daylight hours (most of my B2B lessons and playing in general is unplugged in the evening)

Thank you so much for the feedback, really appreciate that. Chugging consistency and being consistent in general is certainly a weak spot.
Will listen back to the video with headphones later and definitely be mindful of how hard I’m plucking

Will do some research regards posture and try to address this, though all of my playing is on the sofa as it’s the only spot I have available, or of course standing up (though I can’t film anywhere far enough back to be in shot if I stand)

Thank you :grin:

He seems to love music in general. He’s a particular fan of the harmonica even though I’m awful at it :yum:

I’m trying to be a role model where I can, and introduce them to real music - the toddler on the tablet (a tactical move after my prior filming attempts were hijacked…) is a big fan of Lindsey Stirling and 2Cellos.

Drink breaks are always good, need to stay hydrated :grin:


Three great covers I finally got a chance to listen to.
Great job @mpops1990 ! Backing track was hard to hear but it’s the bassline that counts.
@dlamson13 , great Blondie song beautifully played. I enjoyed it very much.
Very good job @mikeyjayjay , kids and all. Not familiar with the song although I enjoyed it!
:+1: :+1: :+1:


Pretty sure the little one in front has a career as a drummer. :slightly_smiling_face:


Figured since I was getting a lot of chugging practice with the 50 song challenge I’d take a break and do something a little more up my alley by covering one of my favorite punk songs: Constant Headache by Joyce Manor.

P: 100%, J: 0%, Tone 100%, running through SansAmp Bass Fly Rig with flat EQ, softone saturation plugin

I really enjoyed playing with the fat P tone on this one :metal:


Well done @RoyB
Didn’t know the tune so went and gave it a listen for context.

Great job here for sure.
My only comment is…
To my ears I here you rushing the beat just a tad in the beginning but then lock in during the first instrument only bridge and seem to be good from there.

Nice dirty tone too.


P-Basses and punk go together so well.


Nice job @RoyB ! Not familiar with the song but it sound great with good tone.

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My cover of Sisters of Mercy’s “Driven Like The Snow”. This one’s all me, it’s all synths and bass; no real guitar part for my bandmate to play :rofl:

Great song from an incredible album, 1987’s “Floodland”, their followup to the even more groundbreaking “First and Last and Always”. Really heartbreaking lyrics when you begin to understand them.

I can’t sing like Eldritch (and almost no one can, the man’s got an amazing and unique voice), so I went for a ghostly effect on the vocals, to fit in with the setting in the song.

Bass: Yamaha SBV550 through Kuassa Cerberus
Synthesizers: Kilohearts Phase Plant
Drums: Steven Slate Drums 5
Plugins: Kilohearts Multipass with several snapins; iZotope Neutron, Nectar and Ozone; MeldaProduction MCharmVerb

Tracked and mixed in Reaper.

One reason I wanted to cover this was an idea @kristine had about covering female bassists. Patricia Morrison was their bass player in the Floodland era, and she’s awesome. However, it turns out it’s likely she has never played this song; it has never been played live (in 35 years), and she didn’t record the bass for it on the album. C’est la vie, she’s still awesome.


Oh stunning work @howard - I have a mental image of you with mirrored shades and a leather jacket on when you were recording. Or the full Patricia Morrison hair and makeup! Either way 10 / 10 :slight_smile:


Ha! Thanks a bunch, appreciated. I could actually probably pull off Eldritch’s current look, would just need to shave and dress better really :rofl:


Just one word. Fantastic!

Love the bass but it’s all just amazing.


Thank you!


This is worth multiple listens, so good! Everything is mixed really nicely. The bass drives the song forward and has just the right amount of treble edge on it. Sounds like a perfect hypnotic type of song to play when driving at night with the windows down.


Thank you!


that sounded great @howard !!


impressive work @howard ! and nice tone from the 550, deep yet not invasive