Post your covers! (2023)

I just read Paul Stanley’s auto-biography (great read!), basically Gene was always coming in telling Paul they had to be like X or Y or whoever was hot at the time for the next album, as he was always chasing the money and trends vs. what their sound was.

I have always stated that the later KISS albums sucked, but, I have been listening more lately and am revising my opinion…the later albums (without Ace and Peter) are GREAT (Revenge, Carnival of Souls, Monster). When Peter and Ace came back they just couldn’t get anything together either old KISS or new sounds.

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Sometimes we get so focused on what we’re struggling with (this applies not just to bass I think) that we forget how far we’ve come / improved.

I started playing 2.5 years ago and took the B2B course straight away. This foundation allowed me to come home from work tonight, learn a simple song, record it and post it to YT; all in one evening.

This is far beyond my wildest dreams when I first started out on bass. Thanks to all the forum regulars on this thread for giving me an outlet to improve my playing.

It’s a stone cold classic from 1981 and it’s still a great record. Proof that you don’t need a complicated bass line for a fun tune.

Kool & the Gang - Get Down on It app to remove the original bass line and overdub mine.

HX Stomp
Comp - Line 6 Original Deluxe Compressor
Pre Amp - Mic Requisite Y7 mic preamp
Amp - Acoustic 360
Delay - Simple Delay (Line6)
Modulation - Retro Reel
Envelope Filter - Musitronics Mu-Tron® III
MIM Fender Jazz Bass
GHS Precision Flats
DAI - HX Stomp


so good for one evenings work Barney, great stuff I would never have guessed if you had not said it…the bassist in the clip seemed neither to be plugged in or intent on playing many actual notes, but was very focused on his moves (clearly has his priorities straight)


So good. Such a classic.

Great cover as always!


Such a great great roller skating song.
That’s all I think about when I hear this.
So fun to be able to learn a cool tune in one day.

Well done man.


Hi fam! Been a while since I’ve posted anything, life/work has been pretty hectic. Still practicing and playing, just haven’t had as much time to do any recording. Great covers posted folks! I’m not going to individually name all of them, but fantastic efforts all around.

At any rate, decided to dip my toes back in the water with something lighter and fun. A couple flubs, but this was my best take (and my video editing sucks) and I’m tired of trying to get both a perfect audio and video shot simultaneously (I should probably do them separate, but this is more “authentic” I feel.)

So, without any further ado, I present “I See Fire” by Ed Sheeran.


Inspired by @Barney and his song in a day, I thought I’d give it a go on a Beatles song that I have been noodling on for a long time. The intro/outro are so fun to play. Tricky to play at speed, especially the 8- 9-5-3. This is actually the first Beatles song I’ve done. The video says it’s blocked on YouTube, but I can still watch it? Not sure if this is gonna work. Left a few mistakes in this one.

The Beatles - Dig a Pony
Dig a Pony Bass Cover - YouTube - Edit: Thought so. Maybe Rumble will work?

Audio if YT video doesn’t work



sounds good tho, nice job!!!

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Vimeo is the best place for Beatles covers

Also Eagles, AC/DC and Ramones

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Sharing my original post. I didnt originally post it here since I didnt record the video. So its audio only, and you’ll have to download the video from my gdrive. But I was really stoked on it.


To make it easier for forum members to listen to your hard work @Huth_S0lo.
What you can do is to load the song into YouTube and just use a single photo as your ‘video’.
There are lots of free video editing software options out there.


Yeah, big +1. All of the videos in our band’s covers are WinAmp visualizations :rofl:

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that’s so 2000’s … :joy:


I know! And it’s still good, kind of funny how few things have replaced it for music visualizing.


sure ! it’s 2000’s in a good way ! :v::grin:


Vimeo charges you though don’t they? The Rumble link seems to work. According to my Rumble account the cover is eligible for monetization lol

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Vimeo is free up to a limit per month.


Love this song! Sounded great @Barney. Even a simple bassline has its subtleties, like the way you leave just a little gap between the 3 quicker notes, sounds so much better than if it bled together.


Nice cover @brik1970, great to see you back at it!

I agree its more authentic and valuable for analysis that way. Although, I’m not too proud to punch in and out on the DAW to fix a playing mistake, especially if the take is strong otherwise.