Post your covers! (2023)

Thanks Cheese!


Thanks Barney


I appreciate it John!


Excellent job!!!


Very nice! Look at you getting up and grooving!


I’m guessing that not many of my North American friends are going to know this one.

1977 and topped at No 5 in the UK charts. I had it on a K-Tel compilation album as a kid. Played it to death. Completely forgot about it until very recently. Super straight forward and fun to play.

Thanks to the regulars for another fabulous year. Cheers Amigos.

Tom Robinson Band 2-4-6-8 Motorway

I started playing Bass in Nov 2020. app to remove the original Tom Robinson bass line and overdub mine.

Signal Chain:
Origin Effects Cali 76
Ampeg SGT-DI
DAI - Focusrite Scarlett Solo
Amplitube 5 (Cab sim + effects)
MIM Fender P Bass
GHS Precision Flats


Nice fun song. Great job Barney!

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Texas Flood - Stevie Ray Vaughn nice 12/8 Texas Blues tune


Nice job on this @Barney !!


Nice effort @401Blues
For tunes like this, the bassline is laid back a bit behind the beat. You are a bit opposite of that being ahead of the beat. I watched your other videos and you did this well on Love That Burns (great tune by the way!!), you did great here.

A few other timing issues in the groove but that will come as well. Keep posting!!! You’re on your way!!!


Welcome @401Blues to the best thread on this forum. I agree with @John_E that you’re a tad ahead of the beat but and here’s the big BUT what’s important is recording yourself and listening back to it.

That’s the magic. Recording yourself and then you can listen objectively to where you are in your playing and what you need to work on.

In other news I think I see an Ampeg Portaflex head in the background of your room, so you’re already alright in my books :wink:


Good job! thanks for sharing with us


I read a post on this forum recently, from I think @sunDOG (apologies my friend if it wasn’t you) talking about getting distracted from completing the B2B course by learning songs.

I don’t think the two are mutually exclusive. As long as (massive caveat) it’s a simple enough song that won’t bog you down for months trying to get even close to getting it. Completing the course will set you up for success, but the odd fun diversion is OK I feel.

So here’s a super simple beginner friendly bass line from a band from British Columbia that I recorded this morning. Yay for holidays! This came out in 1994.

Here’s the tab. Just 8 notes which repeat at the same rhythm for the whole song except for a few bars of chugging here and there. Easy and fun. Dive in.

Screen Shot 2023-12-24 at 10.18.08 AM

54-40 Ocean Pearl

I started playing Bass in Nov 2020. Posting covers to work on improving my playing. app to remove the original Brad Merrit bass line and overdub mine.

Signal Chain:
Origin Effects Cali 76
Ampeg SGT-DI
DAI - Focusrite Scarlett Solo
Amplitube 5 (Cab sim + effects)
MIM Fender P Bass
GHS Precision Flats


Ah, distractions!

This morning, I got up and thought, right work through a lesson … i started, the started playing the bass like to Groove is in the Heart (at the required 122bpm, it’s certainly a finger workout!), then took a look at the Sisters of Mercy song Lucretia My Reflection, it’s basically all about the bass line!! There are just so many groovy songs out there I want to have a go at!! Oh, and my wife caught me looking through a bass tab of Bowie’s Cat People this evening!

So come the end of the day, I’m still at 70/109…

That cover is very good, @Barney !

That’s another thing I should actually sit down and work out how to do, properly record myself! Trouble is, investing time to do that gets in the way of learning songs :rofl:


This is a fantastic song!


Isn’t it! Love me a bit of Bowie!!


To start with @sunDOG just use your phone for video and audio. It won’t be great audio quality but it’ll get you started. You don’t have to post it anywhere. But it’ll give you a frame of reference to look back on. You can sit back and review yourself and look at areas that need work. Think if it as a tool.

You’ll be amazed at how far you’ll progress in a year if you put 1-2 hours in a day.


Yes, been doing that since the get go, but as you say, the quality is pretty questionable. My challenge is that I want to play the bass, not work out how to properly record myself. I think this is a function of having limited time, balancing work, being a decent father, cycling training (even in the off season, I’m still riding 100 miles / 160km per week) and learning / playing the bass, which is hopefully going to evolve into playing with others in the New Year, if the plans come off…


It’s another rabbit hole, but we can help cut through the info and speed up learning…

These are long, but chapter markers will help


Thanks for the great feedback John… Have a great holiday!

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