Post your covers! (2023)

Excellent cover man! Nice upbeat stuff.


Nice work man! Are you a guitar player? I don’t know many bassist who use their left thumb to mute the E string. That’s fluidity was great.


Thanks @JerryP, @cheeze_pizza , @Al1885!

Guilty as charged haha! The funny thing is its unnecessary since I anchor my right thumb on the E string at the same time, guess I’m double muted. Some people say its wrong even on guitar to do this, but I never had lessons, just imitated guys like Hendrix. I learned guitar as a teenager, so about 30 years ago, but sadly I’m not as good I should be for all that time. Learned a lot for about the first 5 years and then just kind of stopped putting in the work and consistent practice to get better. Switching over to bass has really helped me get over that musical plateau.


Well that’s because it’s easier, right :wink:



Great covers guys.
Really blown away once again by the quality and the fact there is so much talent amongst the forum members!


Lol, i won’t go there :smile:, i’ll just say i wont be running out of challenges on 4 strings anytime soon


@dlamson13 my buddy has been playing bass since school. So 30 plus years.

He said ‘bass is relatively easy to get competent at, but hard to get really good’.

After a few years I can see where he’s coming from!


Dang! that was solid. Nice job.


Finally, my first cover of the year. Just a couple weeks later than I had planned. The last month or so I hadn’t been feeling like myself, really tired and lazy. I thought it was the holidays or winter blues or something. The first week of January I realized it was probably more than that and went to urgent care where they found some huge blood clots in my lungs and I ended up spending a few days in the hospital. I am getting treatment now and feeling better, still tired though. But good enough to record a simple cover! Hopefully I’ll be able to do more in the next couple weeks.

My wife got me this album for Christmas, I haven’t listened to it for probably ten years and I forgot how much I love it.

Death Cab for Cutie - Summer Skin

I have to go back and catch up on all the covers on this thread, I’m way behind.


Holy crap!! Glad you are doing better man. Jeez. That’s it, I’m done aging. Lol


Right? me too. All the doctors told me I’m too young to have blood clots, they also cannot tell me why I have blood clots. I’m just lucky I guess.

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Not an easy bassline to start back up on. You did great man!


Ok, my second ever video cover. This one went a little differently. Used a YouTube downloader to snag an MP3, then used Spleeter on the MP3 to split out the bass, drums, vocals, and “other” tracks. I loaded those into Reaper, and added my track. Then, to record the video, I launched OBS, set it to record “desktop audio”, muted the original bass track in Reaper, and went to town.

So here’s Renegade by Styx, with bass parts played on my passive Charvel Pro-Mod San Dimas IV, plugged directly into a Behringer UM-2 and recorded with Reaper. ReaComp and ReaEQ effects were added “in post” (I think that’s the proper term).

I’m not as happy with this one as I was with Have a Drink On Me. I think I’ve got a wee timing issue or two in the guitar solo, and I’m not real happy with my fade out at the end. The slide into the last section is all mine, seemed a cool thing to do. :slight_smile:


wow that’s not fun :frowning: I hope it will be fine


I’m still not motivated enough to get the video part done, but I challenged myself (and @JustTim, who was actually much faster than me :grin:) not to window shopping until I get a cover upload here. And less than a week after here it is :joy:
Rusted from the rain

Lessons from this exercise:

  • Finger roll on 4th and 5th string
  • Attack and precision on 16th notes (still a work in progress)
  • Compression is good (@howard) :grin:

Great job @Paul_9207 ! Well played as usual.

Speedy recovery!


Dude. Seriously, take care.

Covid recently or something? That’s one thing they found commonly.

Ugh. Well, thank goodness you caught it before they caused a fatal issue.


I am a huge Styx fan (second concert I ever saw, backstage cause my mom was dating the promoter, I was ~11-12).
This is by far my least favorite tune of theirs, but man, you really killed it @JustTim

Just great all around.
Keep ‘em comin’.


I’ve never heard of this tune before @paolo.pfm, but it, and you, sounded prettty darn good to me man.

Timing was great.
I was thinking I would have liked a bit more low end in your tone, but I went and listened to the original and the whole song is more low end. Maybe when the bass got removed it took out a lot of the rest of the low end tones too, this is sometimes hard to get back. Sometimes I will double the new bass track, gives it some more ‘ooomph’. You have to drop the gain a bit of both tracks to compensate but still get more lowness.

So all that said, great playing!!! Well done.


Great cover man! I noted the Ampeg stack in the background! How are you liking it? I have a Rumble 40 but I’ve been GAS-ing a bit on those Micro VR sets a bit lately…

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