Post your covers! (2023)

Very nicely done Justin! Nice Mellow Monday Music. Did you post this because today is Rita Coolidge’s birthday? :laughing:

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That was just awesome John! I can appreciate all the work you put in to this cover. How do find the time for this?
I was going to do a Beatles dong for my next cover but that’s now gone out the window because there’s no following this one.
Again, a most excellent performance/production!


John I don’t even like the Beatles and I loved that. Very well done, some big technical challenges in there. Some nice work with bass effects too.


I don’t sleep much, lol.


Great work again @JustinAndSheba.
Nothing like a super sappy '70s tune to start the week.
Makes me want to turn on my am radio (if I had one).


@Paul_9207 @terb @howard thanks for the kind words guys! Seriously means a lot to me.

@John_E I can’t wait to listen to this on my headphones later this evening. The Abbey Road medley may be my favorite string of songs off any album. The way they made these all flow together so seamlessly is truly a joy to listen to.


Wow, great job John. I had started to do this a couple years ago, but never really got anywhere with it. I’m so glad to see you persevered and made it happen.


Wow, no I actually didn’t even realize it was her birthday. Someone emailed me for a transcript of this song, so I figured I’d post the cover here. Cool coincidence anyway!!

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This is tremendous @John_E! I’m looping it for the third time while I get some work done for the day. I absolutely love all of it – the mix, the playing, and most of all the care and patience it took to pull this off. Its inspiring to me as a bassist and just dang enjoyable as a Beatles fan.


Thank you all for the kind words! It keeps me motivated for sure. I’m actually exhausted today from finishing it last night lol.
Now to do something simple!!!


That’s flawless @JerryP the bass tone is awesome, also another reason to love TI jazz flats.

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That’s awesome @Ant you were in the pocket the whole time. I’m surprised how you can sit still playing that song, lol.


All picks, kudos @John_E i love the songs selection. The counter melodies were so awesome. I have not heard half the songs you played but now I’ll be adding them on my playlists. These songs are still as great today as when they were recorded.

Acknowledgment to Ringo, his drum parts are just pure gold.


Thanks much Al!

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Thanks Al! It’s just intense focus. Trust me, I’m rocking out in my head lol I just don’t have this one drilled in well enough to jam and play at the same time.

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Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons - December, 1963 (Oh, What A Night) (1975) bass cover


Apparently Ringo hates drum solos.
The one on The End is the only one he ever recorded!


What effect did you use on this?
Great way to update the tune.
Always loved this tune anyway, would be good for someone to bring it back fully updated.

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Nice covers @JustinAndSheba!
What kind of parrot is that?


That’s crazy, this song is very well known in France because Claude François, a crappy famous singer, sang it at the time. I didn’t knew it was a cover. (But, needless to say, I’ve not listen much to Claude François :joy: ) The original version is much better.