Awesome playing Ant!
Great groove man!
Thanking you
- I turned 18, was in love with my first proper girlfriend, screwed up my ‘mocks’, was sat down by my physics teacher and was told to “pull your f*ing finger out” (I’ve always thanked Barry Morgan for that) and The Cult released She Sells Sanctuary.
What a freakin’ tune!
The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary
The bass track was recorded three times on my Dingwall, through my effects pedals - compressor-chorus-phaser-delay. Probably a bit over the top and a bit forward in the mix, but apparently in the opening bars of the song, Billy Duffy had all of his effects on, plus used a violin bow on the guitar. So, if it’s good enough for him…!
Great cover @sunDOG !
CHEAP TRICK - THE FLAME It’s my 35th wedding anniversary this Sunday. I’m trying to get as many people as I can to view this submission. Help me out if you will. I’d really appreciate it. I want to blow this video up for my wife! All comments, thumbs ups etc. are very much appreciated as well. Have a great weekend
Hey happy anniversary man. I remember some great times listening to this. What you planning for the good lady?
Thanks Ed!! Yes sir I love this song! We are going to eat at a place called Firebirds in Charlotte NC. We live close to that. We will actually take a weekend getaway in April sometime! Not sure where but we like Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg Tenn. a lot. We’ve taken vacays several times up that way so.
Today - Apache by The Shadows.
I always thought the Shadows were a bit meh but once you start really listening to the bassline, it’s actually quite dark and moody. Or maybe it’s just me
For some reason the track was tougher to learn than I first thought - maybe because of the dynamics? Bassists on these tracks couldn’t rely so much on effects so the picking position, heavy or light picking, playing staccato or the other one etc. were more important. The track needs more feeling I guess…
Anyway - let’s see what the Shadows were doing in 1960!
Oh thanks to The Geordie Bassist (YT) for the transcription!
Sounds great to me brother, and love that bass! Any neck dive with it? I’ve been pondering getting an Epiphone Thunderbird this year at Christmas.
Surprisingly enough I don’t get any dive to speak of but I did invest in a pretty thick strap . I think it gets a lot of unfair flak but maybe the older Gibsons used to be more divey? My old Hofner voilin bass was a nightmare…
I’d say it’s definitely a “try before you buy” because it’s pretty heavy and it’s long way to reach the tuners. Beautiful tone though
Happy Anniversary man!
Thank you!!
I’ve literally not seen a thunderbird anywhere to try. I can order from Sweetwater and send it back if I don’t like it haha
Sounds like you have a new fixed cost.
Thanks dude! I’m currently on a Cake bender, just got the itch to learn all these songs (for now). Comfort Eagle is definitely my favorite album, but they’re all great. I covered It’s Coming Down last year, which I think is the easiest song to play on Fashion Nugget. I haven’t tried to learn it yet but I think Friend Is A Four Letter Word is also pretty playable and my favorite track on that album
LOL, you’ve got me going down this path as well! So many good basslines!
I started with I Will Survive, which probably wasn’t the smartest choice. I’ve got the main line down, now working on learning the variations and when to play them. I’ve literally been playing this thing for hours a day to build up the stamina and accuracy to play it for 4-5 minutes without screwing up.
As I’m still working on that and might be for a little while yet, I started learning Mahna Mahna as well. Sooooo much easier! But a lot of fun to play.
Gonna go find that Coming Down cover and give it a listen. Love your playing man!
Great covers @TheMadBassist and @Ed!
This one??? You are my hero!
EDIT Ah, the Cake version. Like the muppets more.
Here is the score for the Cake version:
Cake_Mahna-Mahna_v1_1_p.pdf (886.9 KB)
Thank you for the comment on my cover, and great one yourself! I love The Cult!