Practice THIS Daily (10 Mins)

Here you go @athosmr2003, courtesy of our new AI overlords.

(Looks like AI thinks Gandalf is a pick player? Or maybe he’s going slap-pop in the middle pic?)


Wth is going on with the headstock in the first picture? :rofl:


I know some of the AI stuff being built into Adobe products and such is really getting good - but basic AI image generation available for free on the net is still hilarious!


There is, of course, already a pr0n subculture. Rule 34 is real.


Your transcription didn’t include the 4/4 time signature or even a common time symbol.

@KenKnight This 2nd picture of Gandalf playing Bass that you posted made my day. :ok_hand::smile::+1: This Bass’ got so many knobs you could beat Elden Ring on that Bass. I love this picture.

Link? Asking for a friend :laughing:


Oh you can find these yourself. Just google “AI Girlfriend”.


This kinda reminds me of that movie Her with Joaquin Phoenix

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@JoshFossgreen A big thank you for this video. Without a living breathing teacher, sometimes it’s real good to have you say just do this 10 minutes a day. No much investment there, and I’ve been so distracted by my day job…It’s been while. It’s very hard to figure out what to practice, but your said to just do it.

So, picked up the ol’ Squier, and got down to it. Still learning it, but I wasn’t as bad as I thought I would be. I’m gonna “chunk this” and get it internalized. I think it’s going to do me good.


This exercice is quite fun to play along a drumbox (I’m using android Loopz, which was recommanded somewhere … in the forum). I noticed some improvements after just a few days.
Thanks @JoshFossgreen !


Thank you, @JoshFossgreen . I have been doing this exercise using either Loopz onAndroid, or connected to my Circle Looper, which has a drum machine on it. Awesome, and I see improvements. I’ve also started experimenting with it, in different time signatures and rythms. Fun!


as bill maher once said, not only was america smart enough to invent the Internet, we were smart enough to fill it up with porn


Oh yeah, @itsratso , of course this is what the interwebs are for.

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There’s a reason CES was always colocated with the Adult XXExpo.


Of course, this is where the song originally came from:

I have a Bluetooth speaker I paired with my phone running Pro Metronome ( think I found it this forum actually). Quick and easy to get going when it’s not easy for me to get going.